
I apologize for any poor English or writing. This comes directly from my prayer journal, and at 5am I am not always the best writer, nor do I catch all my mistakes. However, I think Mrs. Hausner, my highschool English teacher, would be glad that I am at least still writing.
- Sam

Sunday, February 27, 2011

God is in Control

I was reading Isaiah 46 today and the following verses stood out to me: 

9 Remember the former things, those of long ago;
   I am God, and there is no other;
   I am God, and there is none like me.
10 I make known the end from the beginning,
   from ancient times, what is still to come.
I say, ‘My purpose will stand,
   and I will do all that I please.’ 

11 From the east I summon a bird of prey;
   from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose.
What I have said, that I will bring about;
   what I have planned, that I will do. 

12 Listen to me, you stubborn-hearted,
   you who are now far from my righteousness.
13 I am bringing my righteousness near,
   it is not far away;
   and my salvation will not be delayed. 

I will grant salvation to Zion,
   my splendor to Israel.

It was good to be reminded that in the midst of all the turmoil, strife, and problems we see all around us, across the world, that God is firmly in control!  We see trouble and societal degradation, HE sees how we are drawing near to the Day of Salvation!  

Thank You God, that You are in control!  You are faithful, loving and good, and we can trust Your plans, even if we don't understand them.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Intimacy and Authority

I was recently thinking about the Apostles and the powerful ministry they demonstrated in the early church.  I was thinking of how they were personally trained by Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. (Acts 2), and ultimately walked in an awareness of what the Lord would have done in any situation, and they had the authority and power to do it (Matt10:1).

Then I thought of Paul and how his ministry was every bit as effective as the Apostles that walked with Jesus, yet he never met Jesus, except in a vision.  His ministry was effective because he walked in the same intimacy and authority that the other Apostles walked in, and that same intimacy and authority must be available to all of us - if we are meant to be effective representatives and followers of Christ.

This gives me hope in my life - knowing that I have might walk in greater intimacy and authority!  Lord help me to draw nearer to You!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

God's Perspective

One of my favorite verses is Isaiah 55:8-9, 8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,  neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. 9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. "

Most of the time, I just need to be reminded that God isn't like me. I am made in His image, not the other way around.  His perspective is an eternal perspective, mine is probably at best a few months.  He sees and knows everything, I barely am aware of my immediate surroundings!  

As I reflect on this, I can see why I should trust Him, why I shouldn't second guess Him, and why I don't always understand.

I am glad I follow a Great God!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Surrounded by God's Favor

I was reading  Psalm 5:12 "Surely, LORD, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield."  I was thinking about how God truly does surround me with His favor.  Everywhere I turn I see God's blessing, His mercy, His Forgiveness, His Love, my family, my friends, my health, my faith, everything.  

Lord help me to remember that all good things come from You, and help me to see ALL the good things with which You surround me.  

I heard someone say once that in God's eyes we are all His favorites!  I guess that is why He surrounds us with His favor!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Knowing God

I was reading Isaiah 33:6 this morning and it talks about how The Fear of the Lord is the key to a treasure of wisdom, knowledge and salvation.  The Fear of the Lord is meant to convey much, but one of the key components is knowing God as He really is!  I was reminded of something A.W. Tozer wrote saying that how we think about God is the single most important thing in our life.  How we think about God, in turn influences how we interact with God, and how  we open our lives to His influence.   

I am painfully aware of how little I really know about God.  Many days I go about my life, apparently unaware of God's purpose, plan or desires for me!  God, help me to know you more, and in that knowing become aware of how awesome You are!  

I echo Moses prayer in Ex. 33:13 "Now therefore, if I have found favor in your sight, please show me now your ways, that I may know you in order to find favor in your sight."

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Father is Pleased to Give You The Kingdom

I was reading Luke 12: 22-34 and was thinking about God's provision, and how we often times try to take on that role - that of provider.  I know, especially for me, this is a sensitive area.  I am called as a husband and father to work to provide for my family, and this can become a trap of worry and concern. 

Having been laid-off three times, I know the anxiety of not being able to provide for my family.  In the midst of that time, God reminded me of the fact that He is the provider and if I put my trust in Him, rather than my skills and contacts, that He would provide.  In fact, if you look at verse 33 - He is pleased to provide for us - everything in the Kingdom!  God is not a begrudging provider, but rather a joyful provider.  

One time, I was praying while laid-off and I had the distinct impression that the Lord was waiting like a parent on Christmas morning waits for their children to experience the gifts they have given them.  I felt that He was excited for me to experience His provision!   That image of Him really helps me approach Him with needs (whether physical, spiritual or emotional) - knowing that He is overjoyed to provide.

God truly is pleased to give us the Kingdom! 

Thank you God - for all your gifts!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Acting on What We Hear

I was recently reading Matt 7, and verse 24 caught my eye, 24 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock." Jesus is speaking and puts an emphasis on not only listening, but putting what we hear into practice!  So often God's word to me goes in one ear and out the other.  Sometimes its because of fear of man, sometimes because I don't want to be inconvenienced, others just plain rebellion.

Jesus is calling us to put His words into action.  In other words - to act on what we hear - now! As we act on these words, we will develop a foundation of Truth that will sustain us through troubles, difficulty and life.  He is the Rock we can trust Him - and when our life is built on Him, we will overcome all.  This only happens if we hear and act!!

Isaiah 26:4 says it well: "Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD himself, is the Rock eternal"

Saturday, February 19, 2011

It's Never Too Late

Continuing my reflection on Luke 7 verses 11-15, I was thinking of the widow's perspective.  Her only source of income and care (her only son) has died.  He is probably dead at least a day if not more, and they are preparing to bury him.  The widow is weeping, clearly in mourning, but there is something more.  Possibly, she had no other family, and would be forced to beg for sustenance. Maybe her hope for the future was in that casket too. Whatever the reality, she was clearly devastated.

Suddenly, Jesus appears!  In a moment, her life is completely restored.  Salvation came to her and her son, even though he was dead.  Apparently, even death is not as final as we think.  Jesus' word can penetrate death and speak life and restoration into the situation.

This gives me great hope for those situations that seem hopeless.  People who think they are too far gone for God to reach them, family members who seem beyond the reach of God's love, even those who have passed away without apparently knowing Jesus as their salvation!  God's word can reach beyond death, beyond the grave (in Lazarus's instance) and bring life.

What an awesome truth - God can and will save, even if it seems too late!

Friday, February 18, 2011

His Heart Goes Out to Us!

I was reading Luke 7 this morning and reflecting on Jesus' actions in verses 11-15 - When He raises a widows son back to life.  Jesus is moved by her pain and sorrow.  

Lk 7:13 "When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her and he said, “Don’t cry.”  

His compassion for her pain and loss stirred Him to action.  His response to us is no different!  When He sees us in pain, His heart goes out to us!  He doesn't wait for her to come to Him, but rather He moves to her, the same is true for us!

Thank You Lord that you meet us in our pain and sorrow - that Your heart responds to us!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Giving Thanks Opens the Door For God

I was reading Ps 50 and verse 23 caught my eye. It says "Anyone who sacrifices thank offerings to me honors me. He makes it possible for me to show him that I am the God who saves."  

It is clear here that our attitude of thanksgiving is what can open the door for God to move.  So if we need to see God move in our circumstances, learning to thank God, in spite of the circumstances, can prepare the way for Him to show us His salvation.  Another reason to cultivate an "attitude of gratitude" in our lives!

God, Thank You!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

God is the Rock

I was reading Is 26 yesterday and verse 4 stood out to me - "Trust in the LORD forever, 
for the LORD, the LORD himself, is the Rock eternal. " I thought this was an interesting name for God.  He truly is unchanging, the same forever.  

When we find ourselves in mud or quicksand circumstances, if we can stand on the Rock we are saved.  If we feel swept away by a flood of circumstances, but can cling to the Rock, we are saved!  God encourages us in Matt. 7:24-27 to build our house on the Rock so that it can stand.  Our house is clearly representative of our life.  So, if we build the foundation of our life on Him - we will be able to stand in all circumstances - and He will save us!

Thank You God for You are the Rock Eternal.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

God Will Find Us!

I was thinking about the Woman at the well ( John 4 ) and how Jesus, being obedient to His Father, decided to travel through Samaria, something a good Jew would never do.  Not only did He go where a righteous person would never go, he talked to a sinful woman.  Make no mistake - this wasn't coincidence, The Father knew exactly who He was sending Jesus to meet.  He didn't judge the woman for her many sins, and sinful lifestyle, rather He offered her salvation!  What a great example of grace, forgiveness and mercy.  It gives me comfort to know that regardless of the place I find myself, regardless of the sin in my life, God will find me and offer me salvation and a way out!  He knows everything about me, yet He will go out of his way to find me!

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Heart Response to God

In 2 Kings 22 specifically in verse 19, God speaks about how He looks on one whose heart is responsive to His word.  It's because King Josiah's heart is moved by the words he hears (God's Book of Law - which had been lost for many years) and he humbles himself, recognizing that he has not followed the Word of God, that God pledges that He will bless him, and hear him.

I guess in a way, you can say that God is moved by our hearts - which is appropriate to meditate on this Valentines day.  Lord help my heart to be responsive to Your Word today!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

God's Purposes for Me

I was reading  PS 138 this morning and verse 8 stood out to me.  Basically, God is saying He is in control -  He has a plan for me - He has the ability to see it accomplished in my Life.  So often I wonder if I am missing it, failing Him, somehow not able to fulfill His plan for me.  When I think about my abilities, this will always be the outcome.  However, this isn't about my abilities, it's about His.  He is all powerful, all knowing, and His will and Word are perfect.  I can rest in His ability to see His plans fulfilled in my life!  Thank You God that it is not up to me!