The other day I felt the need to put up a short note about who I am, and why I write. I am a pretty normal guy. I work in the telecom industry for my employment. I have a wonderful wife, two awesome kids, and two awesome daughter-in-laws and the best grand-daughters in the whole world. We have 1 dog and 2 cats. I like to work in the yard, hunt, camp, hang out with friends, etc. In other words, pretty normal.
I am also passionate about the Lord in my life. My faith is not some added extra, but is at the very core of who I am and what I do. My days normally start with the Lord, in prayer, sitting on my couch with a cup of coffee. I do this, not because of religious duty, but because of the very real relationship I have with Him. I try to live my life throughout the day the same way I start the day, in the presence of the Lord. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes not so much.
I have not received a degree in ministry, nor studied theology in college. My insight comes from reading the Bible, interacting with the Lord, and reading other authors who encourage me in my life with the Lord. My insights and thoughts are my own opinions and while I think they are generally in line with the teachings of the Church, I am the first to acknowledge that I don't always get things right. The Lord is constantly instructing me and helping me to grow in understanding of Him.
I look at my walk with Him as progressive revelation, in other words, I know Him better today than I did five years ago, and I expect that will be the case through the remainder of my life. If that is true, than my thoughts concerning Him today will be refined and occasionally adjusted or changed. For that to be true, than I must understand that I don't have everything correct today, and apparently God is ok with that.
In summary, I hope that as you read my blog entries, you are encouraged to pursue the Lord in relationship. He really is awesome and someone you want to know.
I take these entries directly from my prayer journal, and as such they are not massaged or tweaked to present my view more clearly, or say things more concisely. They are a good representation of how the Lord and I interact, and how He enlightens me. I put them out there in the hope that someone will be blessed, possibly relate to what the Lord is saying to me, and mostly be encouraged to pursue a similar relationship with Him.
This is how the Lord works with and speaks to me, but for you it might look totally different. Not everyone has time in their schedule every morning to hang out with the Lord. There are days when I can't either, and that is just fine, the Lord knows my heart and He meets with me whereever I am. In fact, I have had powerful conversations with Him while driving, and while flying at 30,000ft. He will meet with us wherever, and whenever we turn to Him.
I pray the Lord will greatly bless you and meet with you!
In Him,
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