I was confronted with these questions in 2009 when I was laid-off. For many years I have had a solid relationship with God, characterized by regular communication, insight and a general sense that God would always tell me when He was doing something new in my life. Then I entered into a season unlike anything I had ever experienced before - God was quiet! I knew 6 months before I got laid-off that I was going to be laid-off, the week I was laid-off I felt like God said not to worry, that He had taken care of it, and then for about 5 months, silence!!
I was diligently seeking God every day, working to find a job every day, pounding the Heaven's every day, and nothing! No indication how it was going to work out, no other encouragement, nothing. The longer the time without a job, the more things were uncertain. I couldn't find a job in my city, in my industry, anywhere - and I didn't know where to turn - and God was silent. I told several friends that I felt like I was in a cloud, I didn't know where I was, or where I was going, and had nothing to guide me. The silence was deafening! I fasted, I prayed, still silence. In fact, not only was God silent, but I even went two months without a single call or email from any of the hundreds of companies I was contacting.
It was a time of complete surrender, I thought, as everything seemed to be in play - we didn't know where we would live (city or house), what I would do for a job, where we would go to church, how we would afford to sell our house in a rapidly disintegrating housing market, etc. We tried to lay everything on the table, waiting on God to tell us what to do.
In the midst of all this - God was quiet.
There were many questions in our minds and hearts. Were we in sin? Did we miss God's will somewhere? Was God testing us - if so, what was He testing? Why was He silent? Did we lose our ability to hear His voice? Was my whole life a mistake? What things were we supposed to hold onto, what things were we supposed to release? What about college for my kids? I am sure this is just the tip of the iceberg! I guess you could say God was shaking every part of us and our lives.
It was uncomfortable to say the least - but all we could do was wait.
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