This morning I opened to 1 Samuel 16, and a single line caught my attention, for I was thinking along similar lines yesterday. In setting context, Samuel had been sent to Bethlehem to anoint a new King, God's choice for King, while Saul was still king. Samuel was worried about the whole situation, but God told Him to do exactly what He would tell him to do. He had Jesse's sons pass in front of Samuel, and Samuel thought the first of the sons was the obvious choice. Here is God's response - 1 Samuel 16:7 NASB: "But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
What a great lesson for us to grasp, that God has a different view of things than we do!
When God looks at us, He sees us differently than we see ourselves! He sees our whole life, for He is outside of time!
When God looks at others, He sees them in the same way, from outside of time, seeing their whole life!
When God looks at our situations, He sees them as solved, resolved, changed or overcome! He see our whole lives and knows what will occur!
When God speaks a promise to us, it is from the vantage point of telling us what He sees when He is looking at the whole of our life, in other words it has already happened.
When God looks at difficulties in our lives, He sees the strength that will develop from overcoming them.
Going back to the story of David, when David was tending sheep and a lion attacked, God knew this would prepare him for killing Goliath one day in the future. Not only would David develop the skill with the sling, but the heart of trusting God's word and promise!
I struggle with looking beyond my present situation, my present object of frustration, or fear. Sometimes I am complaining because my thoughts on how my life should go, are completely different than how my life is actually going, and I think God has it wrong! I don't understand all the things that God is accomplishing, nor the reasons! In some ways I feel like I am watching a master chess player, from the vantage point of the pawn. His mind is 1000 moves into the future, and I can't understand why I am not moving forward! I don't see things from God's perspective, and even if I did, I wouldn't understand all His thoughts!
Recently I was reflecting on the Life of Joseph, the son of Jacob, and was thinking about how things must have looked to him. He was sold by his brothers into slavery, ended up in Potiphar's house, then got falsely accused and was sentenced to prison where he spent several years. All of this happened after He had been given dreams by God indicating that one day he would be a leader over his brothers. In looking back at his own life, I am sure Joseph understood more of what God accomplished during those years of struggle and suffering, but I am sure there were still questions he had about those years. However, the Lord was looking at his heart the whole time, and knew how each situation was bringing about growth and maturation, creating the heart and mind of a leader of nations.
In the same way, the Lord prepared David.
In the same way the Lord is preparing you and me!
Which of Joseph's fellow prisoners ever thought, 'one day this man will be second in charge of Egypt'?
Which man in the army of Israel thought when they saw David running to met Goliath, 'that young boy will one day be king'?
Did David or Joseph ever accurately identify the steps they would take in their lives to see the fulfillment of the Lord's promise?
So, this morning I am encouraged that even though I don't understand the why and how of my present situation or circumstances, I know the Lord is fully in control! He sees my whole life, knows exactly how things will work out, and more importantly is looking at my heart and seeing the work He is doing, even if I don't see it! He knows exactly when and how the promises He has spoken over my life will be fulfilled. I just need to learn to trust His process, and trust His love!
Lord, help me to grasp this reality and help me to embrace Your peace that is beyond my understanding! You clearly don't see as I see!