This morning I was drawn more to verse 10, which reads, "Who despises the day of small things? Men will rejoice when they see the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel." Historically, He was rebuilding the temple, and it was a bit pathetic when compared to the original temple. Many commentators, talk about how this work was despised by those who knew what the original temple looked like, but that even though it was unimpressive, they were glad, for the temple was being rebuilt.
My reflection has more to do with the building of the Lord's temple within me. (1 Cor 6:19) I was thinking about my own grandiose plans for my life, and my seemingly inability to enact even small changes in my daily walk. I was thinking of the many New Year's resolutions to exercise more, eat right, study God's word more, etc. Sometimes, my eyes are so focused on the big things, that I don't rightly value the small things like daily personal discipline, speaking words of encouragement to those around me, being a witness to my family and friends, etc.
I recognize that I need to welcome God's plumb-line (direction, correction and encouragement within His Word) which He uses to show me where my life is out of line with His plan and purpose for me. I imagine that the small things are the individual bricks or blocks which He is using to fulfill His purpose for me. I don't have a proper perspective about what He is building, and with my eyes focused on my own self, I don't easily see when I am starting to get out of line.
Lord, help me to see how You want to use the small things in my life. I want to be a proper resting place for Your presence! Help me to welcome Your correction and encouragement, that I might align myself with You.