The fact that Paul was conscious of his ability to impart a spiritual gift made me stop and think. I did a little research into the original language and in Greek, the translation in completely accurate, and relates well to other places where Paul is writing about the spiritual gifts. I read a couple of commentary's and for the most part they just glossed over this verse, or equated it with Paul's preaching to them. Matthew Henry did mention that he thought that maybe this had to do with the church's lack of leadership or apostolic beginnings.
When I read this verse, especially after the recent study of Spiritual gifts, I believe the best meaning is the one conveyed directly. Paul intended to impart gifts of the Holy Spirit. He had seen this before, and His other writings discuss this as a normal happening in the Body of Christ (2 Tim 1:6 & Rom 8:18). They had seen the effectiveness of praying over someone and had experienced the Holy Spirit imparting gifts at that time. The gifts are imparted, as Paul continues, to make them strong. Paul was completely convinced that he was walking in synch with the Holy Spirit, and knew (expectant faith) that when He laid hands on the church members that the Holy Spirit would impart gifts. He lists the different gifts of the Spirit in several locations, and is of the opinion that the CHurch is meant to operate with the full engagement of the gifts.
This brings me back to our need for each other to operate fully in the gifts that they have been given us by the Holy Spirit. The gifts are for our common good (1 Cor 12:4) and they strengthen us. Paul continues this same thought in verse 12 (above) for not only do the gifts strengthen us, but their use encourages us in our faith. As we operate in our gifts, and see the fruit, we become encouraged, and likewise the rest of the Body of Christ is built up and strengthened. To copy a modern marketing campaign - Spiritual gifts does our Body (of Christ) good!
So let us pray for each other, lay hands on each other and invite the Holy Spirit to impart gifts to each other. The gifts are given to strengthen us and encourage each other in our faith.
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