John 12:44-45 NIV
[44] "Then Jesus cried out, “Whoever believes in me does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. [45] The one who looks at me is seeing the one who sent me."
That last statement is pretty amazing - when we look at Jesus, we see the Father! I don't know that I remembered Jesus saying this so clearly. He came to represent the Father, to show what the Father is like, to bring clarity to our incorrect perspectives, and ideas. When we look at Him, we see the Father. When we believe in Him, we believe in the Father. When we encounter Him, we encounter the Father!
I know that I believe all that about their Heavenly existence as the Trinity, three in one, all God, all one. I believe it is equally important for us to believe that about Jesus' earthly existence and ministry. Even though He emptied Himself and became man, putting His divinity behind His humanity, and choosing to live as a man, He was a perfect representation of the Father to us all. His embracing of our human nature required a limitation of His divine union, and in that limited state He demonstrated how we all could be one with the Father, through the ministration and guidance of the Holy Spirit. He still perfectly represented the Father's heart and thoughts, and actions. When we look at Him, we see the Father, perfectly portrayed, perfectly reflected.
Lord, help us to do two things. First, help us to dive deep into Your word, into the Gospels, and help us to really see You, and in seeing You see the Father. Second, help us to faithfully represent and reflect who You, the Father and the Holy Spirit are to those around us, just as You did.
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