
I apologize for any poor English or writing. This comes directly from my prayer journal, and at 5am I am not always the best writer, nor do I catch all my mistakes. However, I think Mrs. Hausner, my highschool English teacher, would be glad that I am at least still writing.
- Sam

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Believe In Yourself, In Him!

Yesterday while flying back I was reading Graham Cooke's book :"Manifesting Your Spirit" listening to Jesus Culture.  As I was reading it was like I hit a catalystic thought and just took off.  Here is what I wrote in the book, as my pad was completely out of battery.

As I was reading, I thought about Byron Easterling's charge to start thinking about how God sees you. This is what I heard - feeling like there was something God saw in each of us that was so much bigger than we ever thought:

There was an invitation -
1) Will You Dare to Believe?
2) Will You Step into His call?
3) What Does it look like?

What does God think about you? Nothing negative!  God is always positive even when He is calling us to better behavior, and better understanding. God does not have a negative thought about you, neither should you!  When the Father sees us, He sees us hidden in Christ - how can He have a negaitve thought about Christ Jesus?

What would your life be like if you never listened to a negative thought about yourself?  What could You do?

In God there is no negative balance, nothing to pay back - He has cancelled the complete debt of sin!  It does not exist in our life!  This is why Paul encourages us to forget what is behind us (Phil 3:13).

Negative thoughts or beliefs about God or ourselves are like blockages in our arteries and veins, they keep the life blood of the Holy Spirit from breathing life, bringing life, giving life to us.  Repentance is like Angioplasty, it allows us to get rid of those things (thoughts and beliefs) that are limiting our life in God!


God can inhabit our weakness with His strength.  Do you feel broken?  You are ripe for God's power to be released in you in the very place you feel broken, beaten, destroyed.  With man it is impossible, but with God ALL things are possible (Matt 19:26).

Listen to those words above, do you believe them?  Do you think God can turn your greatest weakness, your most broken situation into something that brings Him glory?  Now think about what He accomplished through the cross and resurrection.  He completely turned the tables on the enemy who thought he had won complete victory!  He (Jesus) was dead, but He is now alive!  He is stronger than death, is stronger than sin, is now seated on the Throne, is there anything He can't do?  It is never too late!


You are all capable, empowered, inhabited by the same Holy Spirit that empowered Jesus in His earthly ministry, the same Holy Spirit that was poured out on Pentecost and powered the birth of the church.  This is the same Holy Spirit!  There is no lack in Him!  No lack of gifting, no lack of Power!

What limits us - unbelief. It is like a governor in an automobile, it only allows one to go only so fast, or so far.  It limits us in what we can do and how far we can go.  What is unbelief? It is essentially negative thinking about God, our situation, and our own capabilities, and God's plans for us.  It is critical that we recognize unbelief in our life and stand up to it, cast it out of our life, for it is limiting who we are and what we become in Him.

There is an invitation from God to you - to dare to think about your life in His terms.  He does not think negative things about you.  He thinks you are brilliant, perfectly fashioned, uniquely gifted and designed for a specific purpose.  He has no negative thoughts about You!  He knows what you are capable of, what you have been called to do!  Can you believe this?  Can you see what He sees?  Can you take one step in that direction today?

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