This morning I felt like I should read from Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians. In my effort to listen and be guided by the Lord, I usually ask Him where I should read form Scripture, and try to listen. As I have written before, I believe the Lord wants to engage me in conversation, and direct my thoughts and give me understanding. For Him to be able to do that there must be interaction, and communication. For me the simplest way seem to be to use His validated written word as the foundation and starting point for conversation. Thus, I ask Him to speak to me and direct me within His word to verses that become the basis of our conversation. I have found that the Lord desires to speak, and when He does speak, He uses several approaches. I will empty my mind of thought and wait for Him to speak to me there, often times I will hear a particular Book, chapter and verse (Within the Bible), other times I will hear numbers which can be verses or page numbers. Sometimes He will bring to mind a specific story from Scripture, or even a theme for me to research. The point of this all is that I learn to hear His voice and understand what it sounds like, and I learn to give Him proper Lordship in my life. So this morning I heard the number 997 and when I turned to page 997, this was 1 Thes. 1 & 2.
Now I am not convinced in my ability to hear perfectly, so sometimes I think I hear something and when I turn there, there is nothing that stirs my heart and soul. I believe God directs me to the specific verses He wants me to focus on by causing me to respond in my spirit. Often times certain words or a part of sentence will stand out to me and I will start to think about related ideas and begin to focus my thoughts. That is usually a very good indication that this is where the Lord wants me to speak to me. Anyway on those days or times when nothing resonates, I just continue to press into Him, asking for another verse or for Him to speak again.
This morning when I started reading page 997, the following verses caught my eye - 1 Thessalonians 1:2-5 NIV:
[2] "We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. [3] We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
[4] For we know, brothers and sisters loved by God, that he has chosen you, [5] because our gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction. You know how we lived among you for your sake."
The particulars of what caught my eye this morning was Paul's comments about work and labor. I have spent much time lately thinking about works versus grace, and this particular set of verses fits into that theme. Paul identifies the proper motivation for works in our lives, namely faith and love. Faith is the precursor of grace, and love is the result of relationship. Paul, as he continues to write, makes it clear that they had already received the Gospel, and responded to it. They were in the Kingdom, as a part of the Body of Christ already. They were not working and laboring to earn their way into the Kingdom, nor were they trying to gain God's favor or earn righteousness. They were responding to God's grace and love, in kind. They had real hope in Jesus because they had a real relationship with Him. They understood the Gospel of grace and the Lord's desire for relationship.
As in any healthy relationship, we interact and respond to the one another. When my wife gives me a great present (whether large or small), I am stirred to respond to her, not because it is my duty but because my heart is filled with gratitude, and love. I desire to bring her joy in the same way she has brought me joy. I begin to think about those things that I could do, or purchase for her, that will bless her and let her know how much I love her and appreciate her in my life. This is not a requirement, nor is it an expectation, but rather a spontaneous response. My repsonse is motivated by love, within our relaitonship.
There are friends of my wife who see the gifts that I give her and commend our love for one another. In the same way, I believe Paul is commending the Thessalonians for their proper response to the Lord for the gifts He has given them. Paul lived and worked to spread the Gospel of Grace, not works, so we know he was not encouraging works or labor as some sort of duty or requirement to gain righteousness. In His letter to the Galatians, Paul said the following - "I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!”(Gal 2:21NIV).
Secondly, I am struck by the fact that God's choice of them was evident because of the way the gospel came to them, "in power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction." I am reminded of the fact that the Gospel does elicit response. The fact that God loves you, has called You and pursued you should stir your spirit and soul. Our proclamation of the Gospel is meant to be accompanied by the moving and stirring of the Holy Spirit. We can be confident in our Gospel proclamation, knowing that as much as we want the people to hear and understand God's love for them, He wants this even more. He is at work in all of their lives, stirring them and calling them to Him, even before they ever hear the Gospel. Sometimes the fruit is immediately evident, other times the seed has been planted and the response will arise at a later date, but we can be confident the Holy Spirit is at work.
So this morning I am encouraged to press into the Lord, to experience His love and affection, His mercy and grace. I am encouraged by the stirring in my heart, soul and spirit as I hear of the Lord's love and affection for me. Finally, I am encouraged in my sharing of these truths with others, knowing that the Holy Spirit is already at work in their lives, for He has chosen them as well.
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