
I apologize for any poor English or writing. This comes directly from my prayer journal, and at 5am I am not always the best writer, nor do I catch all my mistakes. However, I think Mrs. Hausner, my highschool English teacher, would be glad that I am at least still writing.
- Sam

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

How Does God Refer To This Present Chapter In My Life?

This morning I had an interesting thought as I was opening my bible to read.  I was preparing to read Hosea, which is a very interesting story of a prophet who God told to marry a promiscuous woman.  He has several children with her, but she continues to run off with other lovers, and God has Hosea bring her back and forgive her and continue to love her.  This is a great prophetic picture of God's love for Israel, and also a prophetic picture of many of our lives, especially those of us that struggle to stay faithful to God.  The really good news is that He is more loving and forgiving and compassionate that even this story can portray. If you have not read the book of Hosea, I would recommend it, as it is intended to help us understand God's faithful, redemptive and forgiving heart.

However, this morning that was not what I was focused upon, instead my mind was drawn to the fact that God provides prophetic names for each of the children born to Hosea and Gomer.  Each name represents God's perspective of the the present situation, or His plan.  They represent how God sees Israel at that time.

I was reminded of how the Union and Confederacy, in the Civil War, refer to the same battle with different names.  The North calls it the battle of Bull Run, the South calls it the battle of Manassas.  This difference in the naming convention was the result of a different way of looking at the battle field, and is often related to the armies headquarters or main battle line, with both armies being on different side having a different perspective.  This actually is common in most wars, for example the Battle of Waterloo is known by that name only among English-speaking peoples. The French call it the Battle of La Belle Alliance. The battle that decided the war between Prussia and Austria in 1866 is known among the Germans as the Battle of Sadowa; but the Austrians call it the Battle of Königgrätz. In the war of 1870, between Germany and France, the great engagement that the Germans call the Battle of Gravelotte is spoken of by the French as the Battle of St. Privat. (Quoted from

So why am I bringing this up? My reflection this morning is that God has a specific perspective, how He sees things and understands what He is doing in my life, and probably has a chapter title for my present situation.  His perspective is from Eternity, outside of time, and my perspective is rooted in my limited earthly and time-bound perspective, and is probably very different than God's.  For instance, in 2007, our family went though two major health issues, and I don't think back on that year fondly at all.  However, when I think back to the impact that year had on my faith, my dependence on God, my experience of His favor and blessing in the  midst of that difficult time, I believe that God sees that year very differently and probably has a different name than the "year that sucked". ;-)

So my reflection is that if I can learn to ask God what He is seeing and how He refers to my present situation, I might have a completely different understanding, and be able to apply that understanding to my life (I hope that makes sense).

Maybe another way to think of it would be if I am re-reading a familiar book.  Having already read the book, I know how a certain situation the character is in gets resolved, so my perspective about the story and situation is different.  I am not worried for the character, and  might even think about the story differently, more from the finished story perspective.  For example, in the story of David and Goliath, I am familiar enough with the story that I have a hard time ever seeing it from the real-time perspective of a shepherd youth going into battle with a sling and five stones against a seasoned warrior, who also happened to be a giant. I always think about it as the time David defeated Goliath, and it is an inspiring story of God's ability to direct us and deliver us from the most dire circumstances.  However, I know David didn't think about it that way while he was in the midst of the battle!

In the same way, God is viewing our lives and situations from outside of time, so He can see our whole lives.  He has a completely different perspective, and knows exactly what we are thinking and feeling, but also know exactly what He is teaching us in each circumstance.  He knows how the situation is resolved, what we learned and what character we developed.  He sees our lives completely and so when He provides insight, prophetic words of encouragement, or other revelation, He is giving us an inside look as to how He sees us from His perspective.  He wants us to know that He sees us, wants us to be encouraged that our lives turn out ok, and more than anything wants us to know that He loves us.

So, my encouragement today is to ask the Lord how He sees my present situation and circumstances, and what He would call this chapter or season in my life? I want to press into Him to understand His mercy, compassion, forgiveness and faithfulness.  I want to understand His heart for me, and His perspective and allow that to fan into flames hope and faith in my heart.


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