
I apologize for any poor English or writing. This comes directly from my prayer journal, and at 5am I am not always the best writer, nor do I catch all my mistakes. However, I think Mrs. Hausner, my highschool English teacher, would be glad that I am at least still writing.
- Sam

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Destined to Look Like Jesus

This morning I am reflecting on a few verses from Paul's letter to the Romans 8:28-30 NIV:

[28] "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. [29] For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. [30] And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified."

These are some of those verses that you could think about for a really long time and never fully grasp, for they speak about God's sovereignty.  He is so far beyond our human minds and wills that I think it is difficult to even grasp the most minute understanding of His true meaning.  We can thank the writers for recording what was put on their hearts, but in no way do the words used completely grasp the infinitude of God's perfect words and purpose.

It seems to me that Paul is trying to correlate God's perspective from outside of time, and understand that within the context of what He had understood about God's purpose and help, His calling and provision within that calling.  These verses bring into our minds questions about predestination versus free-will (Gospel of Grace), which seem to be opposites in our human logic, but in God are not.  How that works is beyond me, but that both ideas are birthed out of God's word is clear.  (For an introduction to this theme - the following link provides an excellent foundation of the discussion , the history and the philosophical underpinnings of this theme - )

This morning, my attention was on verse 29, and Paul's statement that we are "predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son" (Jesus).  I was thinking about what good news that is, that there is in God's purpose and thus in His provision, a plan and destiny for me that enables me to be conformed into the image of Christ.  That is something I greatly desire, and something that I have difficulty doing on my own.  In my estimation, I make progress and then slide back into old ways of acting and thinking.  However, Paul writes, under the encouragement and direction of the Holy Spirit, that God has predestined me to be confirmed to the image of Christ. Praise God!

I believe this is more than the doctrine of being hidden in Christ, for Paul speaks of us conforming, the Greek word used is Summorphos, and it means to having the same form as another.  The word is actually a combination of two words that together speak of a uniting of external appearance.  So, as Paul writes we are united in our appearance with the image of Christ Jesus, and this can only happen if we appear like Him in our character, our words and actions, for clearly we do not change our physical appearance to look like Jesus looked.  This gives me hope for my on life, as I pursue Christ, that I might one day look like Him reminding people of His character, His actions and His words.  While I bear a very similar physical appearance to my Dad, it is my way of speaking, joking and interaction that remind people more of Him.  In the same way, I desire that might be said of me concerning Christ, that I might remind people of Him.

In the same way as brothers and sisters in a physical family often resemble one another, Paul writes that this being conformed to the image of Christ Jesus is so that we, and the world, will know that we are His brothers and sisters.  Jesus is the first born of many brothers and sisters, all of whom are destined to look like our eldest brother!  Wow!  That puts a different spin on this familiar, or should I say familial verse. :-)

Paul continues writing about the provision of the Father for this very reality.  This looking like Jesus is not something that we can just decide to do, unless of course we choose radical plastic surgery, which only deals with the external features, not our character and behavior.  I am reminded of the movie "Shallow Hal" starring Jack Black.  The premise of the movie is that he gets cursed to only see the person on the inside, since his shallowness would only allow him to  relate to "beautiful" people.  After he is cursed, he sees people as their internal character is, and sees beauty where others don't.  He falls in love with a very overweight woman who he sees as a beautiful woman.  My point is that our insides are what matter and God has made provision for us to look like Jesus on the inside, in our character and in our actions.  When God looks at each of us, He sees the image of His Son being developed in us, so that we look just like him.  Paul says that "those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified."  In other words, He has made provision in His Kingdom for us to be like Jesus, we are called, justified, and glorified, all by Him.

The Gospel of Grace is full of this truth!  It is God's choice, His determination that accomplished this in our lives.  He has determined to include us in His family as His sons and daughters, through His will.  There are no mistakes in His family, no accidents of conception.  God chose each of us, and has made a way, His way, for us to look just like our oldest brother, Jesus.  Clearly we must accept this invitation, for His desire is for loving relationship with sons and daughters, not robots programmed to love Him with no choice of their own.  The desire for relationship, the desire to join us to Himself, within His family, is so far beyond our ability to fully grasp!  Why would God want me to be His son?  I certainly don't have a good answer other than that He loves me.

I know that for each of my children, it doesn't matter what they would ever do or say, I would always love them, because the moment I was aware of their conception, there was in me a love for them that I couldn't understand.  When each of them was born, I had this revelation of love unlike anything I had ever experienced.  They hadn't done anything and yet the love I had for them in my heart was overwhelming!  I remember thinking about my love for each of them, marveling at this incredible connection I already felt with them. Holding them in my arms and just loving them more than anything, I understood that I gladly would lay down my life for them!

I believe that this is exactly the way the Lord loves us, even more so, for His love is eternal!  He has had us in His heart since before the creation of the world, and He has made a way for us to join His family as His son or His daughter!  He has determined to make this possible, through no effort on our behalf!  Just like neither of my children had any ability to make themselves, to create themselves, so also us, in God.  Yet, just like my children can choose to be in relationship with me, so I can choose to be in relationship with God.  As I said before there is nothing either of my children could ever do to cancel my love for them, so also we have this same opportunity in God.  He Loves us, and will always love us!  He has made a way for us to be a part of His family.  He has chosen us, called us, justified us and plans to glorify us as His sons and daughters!  What an awesome opportunity and invitation we have to be in relationship with Him.

So, this morning I am encouraged that God wants me to be apart of His family, and that He has made the way for me to do exactly that!  Not only that, but He has destined me to look like like my oldest brother Jesus!  Thank You Lord!  Help me Lord, for I know that it is only through Your working in me that I will ever look like Him.  This morning I am encouraged that You have made that exact provision and help available to me!

Amen and Amen!

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