
I apologize for any poor English or writing. This comes directly from my prayer journal, and at 5am I am not always the best writer, nor do I catch all my mistakes. However, I think Mrs. Hausner, my highschool English teacher, would be glad that I am at least still writing.
- Sam

Sunday, December 24, 2017

We (The Church) Are Meant for More!

I woke up at 3:58 (basically 4:00am) this morning, again for the 4th time this week.  I figure there must be a reason I am waking up at 4am so much, so was thinking about that right after I woke up and this is what I felt I heard the Lord say:

"The Church is missing many of it's charisms (gifts of the Holy Spirit) because the Church has become convinced that the purpose of our Christianity is to get to Heaven.  We have settled for the gifts that get us the invitation (Evangelists) and then keep us comfortable (Pastors).  The purpose of Christianity is to transform the earth into the Kingdom of God."

The certainly got my attention!  If you think about the primary message of Jesus, which was the Kingdom of God (see Matt 4:17 and Acts 1:3 - it was the first thing He spoke about and the basically the last thing He spoke about), and see how He proclaimed it and demonstrated it, then it should be clear that much of the Church (at least in the West) needs to up its game.  We are meant to present the Kingdom of God in all its Glory!  We are meant to be a part of the increasing rule and reign of Jesus our Lord.  We are meant to bring heaven to earth.

So what is the significance of the number 4?  Since that seems to be when I have been waking up for the last week?  My basic rule, and a good rule for any word of the Lord, is the level of significance increases with the number of times you hear it.  I have come to realize that three times is very significant in the Lord's perspective, and four times means it is REALLY important.  Thus, with my waking up four times at 4:00am, I believe He is definitely saying something and intends for me to understand that He is speaking.  I initially didn't think much of the 4:00am, as I was in a hotel and the room was hot. Then I figured my sleep cycle was off, however by this morning, I realized there was a significance to this time and I started to inquire of the Lord. The number 4 in dreams and biblical language usually refers to God's rule and reign (His Kingdom), or His creative works.  It has been a while since I referenced numbers in symbol interpretation, so I was unaware of the meaning of 4 - when I heard the Lord's previous message (noted above).

I also will often wake up, look at the clock and sometimes understand that the Lord is speaking to me through that combination of numbers.  4:00 could be chapter 4 of a certain book of the Bible, etc.  I have also come to realize that sometimes 4:00 could mean page 400 in my Bible.  This morning, in addition to hearing the above statement, I thought I would look and see what was on page 400 of my Bible.  In my Bible, page 400 contains Ezra, Chapter 3, which is subtitled "Rebuilding the Altar" and "Rebuilding the Temple".  I find this very interesting, as Ezra was leading a group of Jews back to Jerusalem and they were about restoring true worship in the Temple, which is what Jeremiah had prophesied (See Jeremiah 29 through 33), Isaiah had Prophesied (Isaiah 45) and Daniel had prayed in (Daniel 9).  God was about restoring that which had been lost and mostly destroyed, and He had stirred up the people to participate in this restoration (See Ezra 1:1-11) and their transformation into His nation.  This totally fits into what I heard as I was waking up, the Lord is issuing the invitation to restoration and transformation!

I guess in summary I could say that I think the Lord is inviting us to hear Him, and to join with Him.  God wants to wake up the Church to the fact that she is missing much that He has given Her!  We are missing gifts, ministries, power and authority all because we have lost our understanding and purpose.  God wants us to wake up to our purpose, to our Call, to our Destiny!  We were redeemed by Jesus' life, death and resurrection for so much more than just going to heaven!  We are world conquerors, Kingdom advancers, co-heirs with Christ!  We are meant to bring heaven to earth!  He wants us to join with Him in restoring the Church to her true significance in every country and nation!  We are meant to see the ever increasing Kingdom of God become a reality here on earth and God has chosen us as His representatives to bring this about!  Let us be stirred in our hearts and minds, and throw off the shackles of mediocrity, selfishness and fear of man!  We are meant for so much more!

As we prepare to celebrate Jesus' birth, His coming to earth, let us be reminded that He came for much more than just our salvation, He came to establish the Kingdom of God here on earth!  Let us celebrate the coming of our King, the one who still reigns!  Let us take up the invitation to advance His Kingdom!

Amen and Amen!

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