
I apologize for any poor English or writing. This comes directly from my prayer journal, and at 5am I am not always the best writer, nor do I catch all my mistakes. However, I think Mrs. Hausner, my highschool English teacher, would be glad that I am at least still writing.
- Sam

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Learning About God In Our Expereinces

This morning I have been reading from Exodus 16 & 17, and they are stories of the Lord's provision.  He gave them Manna and Quail to eat (16) and provided them water where there wasn't any (17) and led them in victory by having Moses raise His arms with the Staff of the Lord, to the Lord and afterwards Moses built an altar and called it the Lord is my Banner (nace - something lifted up, standard, signal, signal pole, ensign, banner, sign, sail).

I was just reflecting on how the Lord provided food, water and victory over their enemies, all in basically one page.  When they were marching through the desert, God provided everything they needed.  Initially they were hungry, and complained.  Then they were thirsty and complained and grumbled. It seems something never change, for that is exactly my response to difficulty that I encounter.

The Israelites were learning the character of God, learning to encounter Him in His provision and blessing!  They were learning to obey His directions, recognizing that He was true to His Word.  In these situations, they were able to increase their understanding and experience of Him.  Without the difficulty, they wouldn't have understood His miraculous provision and blessings.  They got into those situations because they were following God, but they didn't understand His purpose in revealing His supernatural provision as they were in need.

They were progressively learning about God, understanding His ways and experience seems to be the way they needed to learn.  God had revealed Himself in many ways, but wanted them to know beyond a shadow of a doubt about His character.  Maybe they should have been asking themselves, what is God going to show us about Himself in this place of need?  Maybe, that should be my first question, rather than assuming God has abandoned me, or is displeased with me in some way, or complaining about how I didn't sign up for this!

Graham Cooke talks about how difficulty is always a door to provision in the Kingdom of God, and how we are well served by learning to rest in God.  If we can embrace resting in God's faithfulness rather than complaining or grumbling or worry, what a difference we would see in our life!  If we can learn to see things from His perspective, to look to His revelation and provision, knowing that He is going to teach us through experience, then we can cease our complaining and grumbling and follow His direction.

This morning I am encouraged to remember all the things that He has shown me through experience, and to lay claim to His promises, provision and blessings! He is a good God!  He knows my needs before I even mention them!  He will show Himself faithful!


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