
I apologize for any poor English or writing. This comes directly from my prayer journal, and at 5am I am not always the best writer, nor do I catch all my mistakes. However, I think Mrs. Hausner, my highschool English teacher, would be glad that I am at least still writing.
- Sam

Monday, February 11, 2019

Since We Are God's Children, We ARE His Heirs!

This morning I reflecting on some familiar verses from Paul's letter to the Galatians 4:4-7 NIV:

[4] "But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, [5] to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. [6] Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba , Father.” [7] So you are no longer a slave, but God's child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir."

The three verses prior to these, Paul was talking about how the Covenant of the Law was basically the guardian of the Jews.  These comments were based on the traditions of the time, thus we can miss some of what Paul is saying based on our unfamiliarity with those traditions. I did a bit of research on these exact verses a few years back and it is worth a read -  The key point that Paul is making is that under Jesus we are invited into relationship as His true sons and daughters, with all the rights and privileges of an heir who has come of age.  Even though the terms that is used to describe this is adoption, it is a very specific legal description that means our former identity is completely eradicated and we now only have our new identity as God's heir.

The point is that there is no going back (to our old identity)!  In God's eyes it is not possible!  We are now His son or daughter, and that will never change.  Paul is driving this point home, for in the next verses following these, he is talking about the Galatians going back to old ways.  Paul was fighting for the Gospel of Grace through Faith, and there were those that were trying to force the Galatians to put themselves under the requirements of the Law (old ways).

Paul used the legal term for adoption, common in the Roman system, to explain that going back to their former identity (being under the Law) was not possible, once they had been set free and received adoption to sonship and daughtership. They could act like those under a guardian, with no rights and no freedom, but it was not God's requirement, nor would it ever be.  Being a true son or daughter and then putting oneself under the constraints of a guardian doesn't make one a better follower of Christ, or make one more righteous.   Righteousness and restoration of relationship were both won by Christ Jesus, and the message of the Gospel of Grace, is that both are free to us to receive, through faith.

Once you are an heir, you will always be an heir!  Once you receive your adoption as a son or daughter, you will always be a son or daughter!   There are those that try to convince us that we are not worthy, that we are not walking as a son or daughter, as an heir should, and have lost our relationship, and that just isn't possible.  There are those that try to convince us that following certain rules, or meeting some requirements will make us better sons and daughters than others and that just isn't true either!

It is true that we can receive more authority and responsibility in the Kingdom and family of God, as we grow and mature.  Jesus speaks of this several times in His teachings (Matt 25:14-28 for example) and Paul describes a growing and maturing (Eph 4:11-16)  and bearing more fruit (Col 1:9-14) , and they are basically the same thing.  I was just thinking that our modern equivalent would be a father who starts a business and then when his children become of age, he brings them on and they become partners in business.  We see this modelled many times around us by companies like Ford and Walmart.  If you look at a list of the wealthiest people in America you will see those related to Henry Ford and Sam Walton figuring prominently on the list.  These are great examples of what our identity in Christ includes, inheritance of all God has for us.

Every time I think on this theme I am reminded of the story of the prodigal son, told by Jesus, and specifically about the older son.  He was angry when the younger son came back and was restored to his inheritance, and was so angry he wouldn't even come into the Father's house to celebrate his brother's return.  The Father, in his great love, when out and spoke to the older son, and said the following - Luke 15:31 NIV: “ 'My son,' the father said, 'you are always with me, and everything I have is yours."

Somehow in his life, the older son had missed the fact that the Father loved Him as much as the younger son, and that everything the Father had was available to him!  Somehow he thought he had to slave away for the Father, possibly trying to earn his reward!  What a sad state his heart was in!  He felt like he had to earn his Father's love, and anyone who didn't do the same work wasn't worthy of the Father's love!  Those who try to push the Law or requirements beyond the Gospel of grace through faith,  are operating in this same basic spirit, and somehow it sounds right to us.

One of my favorite authors, Graham Cooke, says,  "the gospel is too good to be true, but it is!" I think that is what we struggle with, for God's love, and acceptance, His invitation to sonship and daughtership, His spirit of adoption which we receive through the Holy Spirit all seems much too good!  How is it possible that God would give us all this, if don't strive to earn it?  The truth is that this is exactly what we receive - inheritance and love, acceptance and mercy, compassion and forgiveness, blessing and authority!  Wow!

This morning I am encouraged to revisit my thinking and make sure that I am living in the reality of what Christ Jesus has accomplished and made available to me!  I am encouraged to make sure my heart attitude is full of gratitude rather than judgment.  I am encouraged to embrace this radical gospel and let the truth of it settle in my heart and mind!


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