This morning I was reflecting on my thoughts from yesterday, having to do with judgment. As I was thinking about that theme, I was reminded of Jesus' commandment, as follows - John 13:34-35 NIV: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. [35] By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
Normally when I read these verses, I think about Jesus laying down his life for us, making a sacrifice, etc. This morning I saw it from a completely different perspective. Jesus, being the perfect man, the exact representation of the Father (Heb 1:3) interacted with people in a completely different way. Rather than judging people, He loved them. He was aware of their sin, of their struggles, of their pain, even of the way they thought, and yet He loved them.
I love the two stories that are in John's Gospel, concerning sinful women. The first is found in John 4 - the story of the woman at the well. The second is found in John 8, the woman caught in adultery. I love how Jesus loved them in spite of their sin and called them to their true identity. He didn't speak condemnation on them, although He clearly knew their sins, instead He spoke forgiveness, saw them as people of value, people that needed His touch and His love to set them free from their sin.
I can imagine the shock from the woman at the well when Jesus tells her about her past 5 marriages and that he knows she is living with a man who isn't her husband. Normally when confronted with our sin, we tend to want to escape or rationalize it away, and according to John, she does neither of those. Instead she responds, "Sir, I can see that you are a prophet!" (John 4:19). She realized that Jesus knew her, and yet he was conversing with her, and clearly wasn't judging her. If Jesus had been judging her, I am sure it would have been a very short conversation. I know I don't stick around people that judge me!
The woman caught in adultery seems to have had a similar experience, although she wasn't in front of Jesus of her own free will. She was dragged in front of him and threatened with stoning, being used by the teachers to try and trap Jesus. What a terrible position to be in, held up in front of everyone, with your sin exposed, everyone in the crowd judging you! The lone exception was Jesus! That story ends as follows - John 8:10-11 NIV: "Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” [11] “No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”
As I was thinking about this, it almost has the feel of a lone Kung Fu champion facing off against an army to rescue a lone woman, who is a hostage and who is being used to bait him. The odds are totally stacked against Him, but with a deft blow He defeats the entire army aligned against Him, and her! I am sure she understood He was her champion, and likely followed Him the rest fo the days of her life!
Imagine what the church would be like if we treated people this way! Imagine if you walked into a church and felt loved unconditionally! Imagine if you understood there was no condemnation, no judgment, only love, advocacy, encouragement and healing. Imagine how different our approach would be if we chose to see people from the Lord's perspective, and treated them the way He would treat them! Imagine if we treated those in our families this way too!
We are called to love one another as He loves us!
Let us choose to love, not judge or condemn. Let us pray for those that we would normally judge! Let us ask the Father for His perspective! Let us extend love, mercy and compassion!
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