
I apologize for any poor English or writing. This comes directly from my prayer journal, and at 5am I am not always the best writer, nor do I catch all my mistakes. However, I think Mrs. Hausner, my highschool English teacher, would be glad that I am at least still writing.
- Sam

Monday, April 6, 2020

"You Will all Be Scattered, Each To Your Own Home" John 16:32

This morning, I was reading through John 16 and 17, as these are some of the last things Jesus said, according to John and as such, I would count them very important, for Jesus knew His time with His followers was short.  Anyway a couple of lines really hit home today, due to their uncanny resemblance to our present situation.  The context is Jesus is addressing the Apostles following the last supper, and is giving them final directions.  He has just finished telling them for effectively the last time that He returning to God the Father, and because He was being so clear the apostles say they finally believe that He is from God. This is the context in which Jesus speaks verses that I am reflecting on today - John 16:31-33 NIV:

[31] “Do you now believe?” Jesus replied. [32] “A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me.

[33] “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

As I read verses 32, I was struck by the absolute parallels we are presently experiencing!  We are all scattered, each to their own home!  I think in the past that statement has never had much impact, but today, in light of our present situation, they rang true like a major gong!

Jesus' initial question to the apostles, upon them stating that they finally believe He came from God, seems to be an incredulous statement, couched as a question.  Like, finally after 3 years of interaction and observation, they finally may the last jump in logic and faith because Jesus spoke clearly.  I can almost feel the Lord's eyes rolling back into His head. :-)

The next sentence is what Jesus knows prophetically, that they will all be scattered, and the question, "Do you now believe?" is most appropriate!  When their proximity to Jesus is severed, when they no longer have their brethren by their sides, when they are no longer gathered as a group, do they still believe, even then?

What a great question for us to consider today!  Do we still believe, even though we can't meet together?  Do we still pursue relationship with Him, even though we have limited outside influence and pressure to do so? Will we still observe and pray through the events of Holy week, like we would if we were gathering in church?  Does our faith actually impact our daily life, when we are left to our own?  All good questions, and ones we would do well to consider. 

Jesus then goes on to say that He has said all these things that they might, in Him, have peace!  Notice that the peace is available in Jesus, and I think its safe to say, only in Jesus!   Lately, my honey and I have talked about these present times, and have often wondered how those living without faith are coping?  Many of my friends in time have walked from their faith, choosing to follow after science and logic and human advancement as the answers to life, and many seem to be utterly despondent now, full of fear, angry and hurting.  My heart goes out to them, for my heart is at peace, even in the swirl of craziness, and it has nothing to do with ignorance, but rather has everything to do with Jesus' last statement, "But take heart!  I have overcome the world!"

He is the unchanging rock on which I stand!  He holds me in His arms.  I am unswayed by the storms of life, and choose to believe, in spite of the seeming chaos, that He is firmly in control, and as we turn our eyes to Him, we will see our path before us (Prov 3:5-6)!  He promises to meet us as we draw near to Him, and as we return to Him (Is 55:6-7).  For those that have turned away to pursue meaning for their lives in other streams of thought, He is always waiting, ready to receive You back with open arms (Lk 15:20), regardless of what you have thought, said or done! 

Going back to statement that "you will all be scattered, each to your own home" my final prayer is that we would all individually press into Him in this time of scattering.  We are not alone, we have the Lord living with us!  He is desirous of deeper relationship, of allowing our faith and belief in Him to draw us to Him in every area of our lives.  His question, "Do you now believe?" is for us today!  We get to choose today and everyday, whether we will believe in Him and walk out our lives in relationship with Him, or not!  Let us pray for all to return to the Lord, believing in Him and letting His peace settle their hearts!  Take Heart!  For He has overcome the world!


May Christ's peace be with you today!


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