This morning I am continuing on reading where I left off, and I am reading from Acts, chapter 8. Again, this is where the church is scattered due to a persecution that breaks out after the stoning of Stephen.
Acts 8:4-8 NIV:
[4] "Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. [5] Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed the Messiah there. [6] When the crowds heard Philip and saw the signs he performed, they all paid close attention to what he said. [7] For with shrieks, impure spirits came out of many, and many who were paralyzed or lame were healed. [8] So there was great joy in that city."
Samaria is a very interesting place to start preaching, for the Jews basically rejected the Samaritans for false religion, and tried to have little to nothing to do with them. Jesus had spent a bit of time there (See the story of the Woman at the well - John 4:1-42) but in general had focused His ministry on the Jews, and to this point, it was apparent the Apostles had followed His example. Peter hasn't had the vision nor visited Cornelius's house yet, that occurs in Acts, Chapter 10, so this is pretty new territory for any of the Apostles, but Phillip appears undeterred.
One would believe that similar to his experience later in this chapter where Phillip feels led by the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:26-40), that He also felt led to visit this specific city in Samaria, for, as noted before, this would not seem a normal next step for a Jew. Anyway, he enters the city, again, likely feeling led there, and proceeds to proclaim the Gospel, speaking about Jesus, the Messiah. The Samaritans did apparently believe in the coming of the Messiah (See John 4:25), so for Phillip to be proclaiming that Jesus was the Messiah, is definitely in-line with their core beliefs, but taking them to the next step in those beliefs. The fact that Phillip was ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit, provided the validation that what He was saying was true.
That thought just stopped me. The Holy Spirit used this scattering transition to send Phillip to the Samaritans and help them take the next step in faith, enabling them to step into a relationship with Jesus as their Savior and Messiah. The question popped into my head, "I wonder what next steps, and what people the Lord will touch during and following our present time of transition?" Could it be that the Lord is preparing a time of the outpouring of His Holy Spirit directed and validated ministry that will open eyes, and help people move forward into active belief in and acceptance of Jesus as Savior and Messiah? Is it time for us to leave behind the structure and comfort of what we have been doing to press into new peoples, places and groups we would have previously ignored or not visited?
Going back to the verses, we see three specific groups of people receiving healing and freedom from this Gospel, those with impure spirits, the paralyzed and the lame. As I read those, I thought of some of the ways they could be represented in the church today, for while the Samaritans were rejected by the Jews, they shared a very similar faith, and belief system, even following the Law. Anyway, my thought was that those with impure spirits could represent those in the church who have embraced the spirit of religion, rather than relationship with Jesus. The spirit of religion will judge, and control, and constantly steer away from the Gospel of Grace. The paralyzed could represent those in the church who are not moving forward in their faith and relationship with Jesus. Finally the lame could represent those that have been wounded, or have grown up under unbalanced teaching, or those who have a hard time walking out their faith. Oh that the Lord would pour out His Holy Spirit on all of us, that we might become healed, and healthy and pursuing Him.
Finally, the Holy Spirit is fully capable of actually casting out impure spirits, healing the paralyzed and the lame today, through us! He is the same Holy Spirit, and He is our advocate, helper, teacher and guide. He can do the same things through us, as Jesus promised in John 14:12 NIV: "Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father."
Amen! Today, I am encouraged to listen to the Holy Spirit, to allow Him to direct my steps, and specifically to allow myself to be directed to those I would not normally visit or engage. I am encouraged to be willing to be used to preach the Gospel of Jesus our Savior, and to allow Holy Spirit to work through me to set people free and heal them! I am encouraged that He is leading us through this time! I am encouraged that in the Lord's eyes, people taking the next step in faith is very important, and something He is about validating! Lord, help me to hear and follow Your direction!
Amen and Amen!
May the Holy Spirit lead you today, providing direction, the words to speak and the results to validate His words spoken through you! May the peace of Christ, the One who finished all that had been given Him to do, reign in Your heart and minds.
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