Last night I was reading a book and the author brought up a verse from the Bible and noted that one of the words we commonly read in our English translations was not included in the original language, and it significantly changes the meaning. The verse in question is 1 Corinthians 12:1 NIV: "Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed." The word that is not there in the original language is "gifts".
The translation would be more accurately (spoken as a layman with no real knowledge of the Greek, but reporting what my lexicon lists as the the probable translation) "Considering now, the spiritual, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant and uniformed"
While we are more comfortable with the phrase "spiritual gifts" than the phrase "spiritual nature", and later Paul does speak about gifts, it seems quite clear that Paul is speaking first about things of a spiritual nature, and his desire that the Christians in Corinth would overcome their ignorance and become informed. This is pretty much my exact prayer these days, that I would become informed in things of a spiritual nature. This is why I was reading a book titled, "Developing a Supernatural Lifestyle" by Kris Vallaton. My desire is to grow in my knowledge and understanding, and with that my sensitivity.
Continuing on, Paul then explains some of the basics of the spiritual nature and lists gifts, services and workings, (which is another reason not to add the word "gifts" to the first sentence). Here are the following verses - 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 NIV:
[4] "There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. [5] There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. [6] There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work."
[7] "Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. [8] To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, [9] to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, [10] to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. [11] All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines."
What Paul is laying out here is a bit of a blueprint for life in the Church. The Holy Spirit is providing all, and as Paul notes, they are given for the common good! In other words, we are ALL supposed to benefit from these manifestations of the Holy Spirit, the workings, the services and the gifts! There is no mention that these are given only to leadership, and only for strategic direction of the Body of Christ. The Greek word Paul uses in verse 7 that is translated "each one" is the word hekastos, which can be translated each or every, and it is most often translated every. Rewriting that verse we could say, "Now to every one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good." Wouldn't that drive a bit of change in our understanding! These things are not for the elite, for the specially chosen, but rather are intended for EVERYONE.
Paul continues on in verses 8 -10 writing about how all these different manifestations of the Spirit are often distributed throughout the Body, and in this case the local church, to individuals as the Holy Spirit determines (verse 11). The Greek word translated 'determines" is the word boulomai, and Mounce defines that as "to wish, will, desire; to choose, determine, plan". The sense I get is that while there are those trained in the use of certain manifestations, it is the Holy Spirit who determines in a situation, possibly, who receives what manifestation. This doesn't seem to be a one-time giving, but rather demonstrates a corporate expression that suits the Holy Spirit's particular plan for that given day or gathering. Paul in writing this, could have specifically identified types of people, classified by giftings or callings, but he specifically uses general language, as in anyone and everyone could be a recipient.
Later Paul goes on to use the analogy of the human body ( 1 Cor 12: 12-26) to talk about unity and diversity in the Body of Christ. While this image is very helpful, we must remember its laid on a foundation of the above text, so while we might want to think "once a toe always a toe" I don't know if that logic holds. Is it possible that in one situation Holy Spirit uses a person to see something (eye) and in the next situation to hear something (ear) and in the next situation to help someone (hand)? I certainly think so, and thus, I believe the core message is not about what part of the body you are, but rather how to think as a body and act as a body together.
We tend to want to compare gifts, services and working, and try to identify those that are "more important" or have a "greater influence" and give honor to those who operate in those. However, using the analogy of the human body, the parts that are most important are hidden from view, inside, and generally not visible at all. In my opinion, we need to learn to rightly value all the members of the Body, not just those most visible. I think Paul sums it all up nicely with his last statement in verses 1 Corinthians 12:25-26 NIV: ..."so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. [26] If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it."
So, going back to the beginning verses, Paul, in writing this, wants to inform us of how things work in the spiritual realm, and thus his comments about the Body analogy are directed to the spiritual gifts, workings and services. These are given to us by the Holy Spirit, and I am sure He makes use of natural abilities, and uses those that might be boosted or heightened by the supernatural impartation. However, I don't think that is a rule we an follow always, nor limit Him to, our looking to natural ability to identify spiritual giftings, callings and purposes. When the Holy Spirit is involved and is the imparter, we can receive anything He desires, whether we have a natural ability or not. A good example is the Gift of Tongues, when it is manifested as a human language that people other than the speaker understand perfectly. I have read stories of non-English speaking people receiving the gift of tongues, and praying glorious prayers in English in front of English speaking missionaries. We cannot put a logical limit what the Holy Spirit can do, because He is God!
In summary, I am encouraged this morning that God does want to help me be more informed about spiritual things! He wants me to learn to see, to hear, to sense what He is doing in me, and around me in the Spiritual realm! He wants the gifts, workings and services that He is pouring into me to be for the common good! He wants me to recognize the same is true for every other brother and sister in the Body of Christ. He wants me to learn to be aware of His movings, and direction, to affirm His outpouring of "gifts" and His enabling power. He wants me to learn to move beyond my logical, natural mind, to allow Him to do what He determines is right. He wants me to learn to value all parts of the Body, especially those that are commonly hidden from view.
Holy Spirit help me! You know I need a greater sensitivity to all of this!
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