This morning I am reflecting on some verses from Paul's first letter to Timothy. I love the personal touch that Paul uses in writing this letter to his young brother in the Lord. I always found it interesting that these personal letters made there way into the Canon, but I think that is exactly the reason they were added, because our faith is a personal pursuit, and each of us must chose to walk in relationship with the Lord. Being a member of a church, congregation or denomination is not enough to make us a Christian, we must have a real relationship with the Lord!
Anyway, getting off my soap-box, here are the verses - 1 Timothy 4:11-16 NIV:
[11] "Command and teach these things. [12] Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. [13] Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching. [14] Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy when the body of elders laid their hands on you."
[15] "Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. [16] Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers."
My first response, in reading the NIV translation is to question that first word, 'Command', as it seems a bit strong in the context in which Paul was writing. I am very cautious to use the word "command" as it always leads me back to the original ten commandments, or Jesus' new command (See John 13:34), and as such should not be used to describe what we followers should issue. In reviewing the original Greek the word is parangellos, and the primary root is clearly angellos, from which we get the word angel, as one who is a messenger from God, bearing tidings, news and proclamations. While I guess we could translate that as a command, I like the broader context, as it fits more in line with what Paul is encouraging Timothy to do, in bringing forth the word, and teaching, doctrine, and preaching.
One thing I really appreciate about these verses is Paul's encouragement to Timothy to make sure his life lined up with his message. He was to lead by example, not like the pharisees who, in the words of Jesus, "Woe to you experts in the law, because you have taken away the key to knowledge. You yourselves have not entered, and you have hindered those who were entering.” ( Luke 11:52 NIV). In other words, don't teach them to observe something that you haven't already put into practice in your own life. This is not a hard and fast rule, as the Lord knows, often when preaching or teaching that message is coming directly for the messenger, meant to address something in their own life. I know for me, almost everything I hear, while it might benefit others, is certainly for my heart and mind first and foremost.
The other two things that I like are that Paul reminds Timothy about his gift, and tells him not to neglect it, and encourages him to watch his own life closely. Both of these are such healthy encouragements. First, being reminded of foundational words, scriptures and experiences is always important. I get the feeling that Paul was never far from his "road to Damascus" experience. He knew that remembering where he came from was key to maintaining humility, and to keeping his call and ministry fresh! He pointed Timothy back to his gift, probably for a reason, and that is likely related to time and concerns for others. It is important for us to regularly remind ourselves of those things God has spoken into our lives, reminding ourselves of the calls, the promises, the giftings, the treasure that He has put in us. They have been given for our good, and the common good (1 Cor 12:7).
Secondly, the direction to watch his own life and doctrine closely, is again related to balance of ministry and effectiveness of the witness of his life. Again, the theme of humility comes into play here, as there are too many who have lost sight of their own lives, who begin to stray off the path, partly due to an over emphasis on their belief in their specialness. They start listening to those who applaud them, and start thinking they are better than others, and in short order have lost their connection to the word, to true doctrine and to their origins. Some even go so far as to create false back-stories of special births, childhoods, experiences with the Lord and such to increase their "special" status! Oh Lord, help us to stay grounded, to maintain a keen sense of our own weakness and need for You!
So my encouragement today is to remember, to watch and to live according to my message! I am encouraged to remember all that the Lord has said and poured into me. I am encouraged to watch my life and message to make sure they stay on path, and I am encouraged to make any adjustments I need to make to ensure that I am living like I am encouraging anyone else to live.
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