This morning I am reflecting on some verses from Matthew 9:35-38 NIV:
[35] "Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. [36] When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. [37] Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. [38] Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
As I read through this, my first thought was how Jesus was releasing favor, not judgment, from heaven. I was reading verse 36 in the original Greek and the words used by Matthew could be translated "skinned alive and thrown away", so this is much more than just a mild state of affliction. One wonders who was doing the harassing?
According to one Jewish author I was reading, "ancient Judaism acclaimed God as source of health and illness, with sickness a divine-mandated punishment for individual and communal sins." (see I believe this does represent the standard worldview of the Jewish people at the time of Jesus' visit. Thus, those that were sick were viewed as sinful or part of a sinful family or tribe. Sickness was more than uncomfortable, it was a label that you were being judged by God! The apostles brought this very theme to light when they asked Jesus, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” ( John 9:2 NIV).
As I was thinking about this, I thought about prisoners on a chain-gang, all dressed in striped clothes, chained together, all convicted by judges. We tend to lose sight of the individual in these cases, just seeing them as condemned criminals, and to me this seems to be what it must have been like for the sick and their families. They were considered as condemned by God, under His wrath.
Except, Jesus, the Son of Man, comes and proclaims the Good News of the coming Kingdom of God, and rather than judge these helpless people, He heals them, and sets them free! He touches them, and recognizes them, and releases them from judgment by healing them! I am reminded of one of my favorite verses from Isaiah, speaking prophetically about the Messiah and the spirit in which He would minister - Isaiah 42:1-7 NIV:
[1] “Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight;
I will put my Spirit on him, and he will bring justice to the nations.
[2] He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the streets.
[3] A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.
In faithfulness he will bring forth justice;
[4] he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth.
In his teaching the islands will put their hope.”
[5] This is what God the Lord says---the Creator of the heavens,
who stretches them out, who spreads out the earth with all that springs from it,
who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it:
[6] “I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand.
I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles,
[7] to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness."
He was releasing these sick from the prison of judgment for their sickness. He was giving them clothes that said redeemed and righteous, rather than convicted! He was expressing God's favor, God's forgiveness, God's love!
No wonder the crowds gathered around Him, He was a one-man rescue operation, freeing prisoners from judgment everywhere he went!!
Oh, that we would pray for the workers to be sent into this great harvest, those who believe they are judged and condemned! Lord, release favor from heaven, mercy and compassion from Your throne, setting all the captives free, healing all the diseases and sickness!
Amen and Amen!
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