Yesterday I had a reflection on the Peace of God guarding our hearts and minds, based on Philippians 4:7, and while it was enlightening, I had some additional revelation during worship at church yesterday. Here are the original verses - Philippians 4:6-7 NIV:
[6] "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. [7] And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
I started reflecting on what the Peace of God really is, asking Him to show me. I know it is much more than just a feeling of peace that would settle on our mind and heart, and while helpful, I believe there is a depth of insight available to us here. As I was praying, I was reminded of God's plan to send Jesus, His beloved Son, to earth to take on human form, suffer, and die, and rise again. I wouldn't normally associate this with the Peace of God, but as I reflected upon that world changing event, I realized that God must have been at peace, not anxious, but having full trust in Jesus, and full trust in His plan and purpose!
I then thought about Jesus in the Garden, asking the Father if there was another way, and after His encounter with the Father in that moment, we find Jesus peaceful, knowing what He was going to do and stepping right into the hands of the crowd Judas brought that night (John 18:1-12). We know that it was for the joy before Him that Jesus endured the cross (Heb 12:2) and how could he possibly have joy in that moment without an understanding of the Father's full plan and purpose and peace? I believe His final exclamation, "It is Finished!" indicates that He knew exactly what He had accomplished.
I am reminded of the fruit of the Holy Spirit, as listed by Paul in his letter to the Galatians 5:22-23 NIV: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, [23] gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." I find it reassuring that joy and peace are true present when Holy Spirit is present, and we know that Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit (Luke 4:1) and I believe He was experiencing the fullness of the fruit during His Passion and Death.
Going back to my original question, what is the Peace of God?, I think the previous reflections help me to understand, in some small way the enormity of what is meant when Paul writes that the peace of God will guard us. This is no small, fleeting feeling, but a rock solid, bet the fate of the world on it, peace! God is capable, and demonstrated His sovereignty and power, His absolute authority over all things, and it is from that place, that His peace is present. He invites us to step into that peace, to let that peace wash over us, to experience that peace standing guard over us.
Paul tells us that the way to do this is through prayer, petition and thanksgiving. In the old testament they were encouraged to bring thank offerings to the Lord, offerings of fellowship (see Lev 7:12-13) and it is interesting that it is deemed a sacrifice. In my mind, thankfulness is the result of something that just happened, but is it possible that that it is something we can offer, before we are experience God's blessing and provision? It certainly seems that it can be intentional and an act of our will, saying thank You to God before we see Him move! It is interesting that this is defined as a fellowship offering... one wonders if indeed it invites Holy Spirit to a place of more intimate relationship?
Finally, as I was reflecting on all of this I saw an image of Peace as this huge being standing guard over us. As the enemy tried to break through with fear, doubt or anxiety laden thoughts, I saw this huge being grab him and body slam him, and shaking his finger at him, as in there was no way past! Imagine the largest professional wrestler as your personal body-guard, and that is sort of what I imagined! That is certainly much more than just a fleeting feeling of peace!
My encouragement this morning is to press into a place of offering thanks for anything and everything that causes concern, fear, doubt, or anxiety. I am encouraged that the Peace of God is much more than a simple feeling, and that it has the ability to guard and defend my mind and heart like nothing else in this world!
Amen and Amen!
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