
I apologize for any poor English or writing. This comes directly from my prayer journal, and at 5am I am not always the best writer, nor do I catch all my mistakes. However, I think Mrs. Hausner, my highschool English teacher, would be glad that I am at least still writing.
- Sam

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Quest For Maturity

This morning I was reading from one of my favorites, Paul's letter to the Ephesians.  Rather than just looking at one or two verses, I am re-reading the first half of the fourth chapter, which is so significant in giving a high-level view of the Church and how we should operate.  Here are the verses (minus the 9th and 1oth, which are a note with another focus) - Ephesians 4:1-8,11-16 NIV:`````````````

[1] "As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. 

[2] Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. 

[3] Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 

[4] There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; 

[5] one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 

[6] one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. 

[7] But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it. 

[8] This is why it says: “When he ascended on high, he took many captives and gave gifts to his people.” 

[11] So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 

[12] to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 

[13] until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. 

[14] Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. 

[15] Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. 

[16] From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work."

Occasionally I will write the verses each on its own line, like above, to help distinguish the individual thoughts that each captures.  There is something about reading each sentence separately, allowing the fullness of the meaning to stand-alone, and then to build upon it with the next line.  

Reading it in this mode, the fact that Christ Jesus gave us the Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers as Gifts to the church is very evident.  It is amazing that somehow we have forgotten about the fact that these roles are gifts from Jesus to His Body, the Church, for good reason, to help us mature, and attain the whole measure of the fullness of Christ Jesus!  

It seems to me that many of our churches today, at least in America, function without the full set of giftings, some even limit themselves to one or two, with limited or no connection (ligaments) to the rest of the Body of Christ.  Oh Lord, help us!!  How could these churches possibly produce mature Christians who will represent the full ministry of Jesus?  Christ Himself gave us these gifts, these ministries to us, and somehow we think we know better?  Why are we fearful of the gifts of Jesus?  How can we mature?

Oh Lord, help us!

I pray that You would release into this world a refreshment upon these treasures, these gifts that You have given us!  Help us to embrace and fully appreciate the unique aspect of each ministry, that we might truly grow and mature into the Body of Christ, unified in love, connected together with the full Body of Christ.  Help us to build ourselves up in love, doing the work that You have called us to do!

I don't want to take on some critical spirit as I look at the Body of Christ, yet it seems that we have many opportunities for growth and change as we press forward to embrace the fullness of Christ's plan for us.   Below are some good questions to ask ourselves:

Do we gravitate to the gifts that we can control, or the ones that allow us to be comfortably fed and nourished, but not the ones that challenge us and really grow us?  

Have we have allowed ourselves to be coddled and fed, and become convinced that this is all there is to Christianity, having someone feed us and look after us until we go to Heaven?  

Do we know what is in the Word of God without someone else telling us?

Have we have lost our sense of the mission and ministry, the advancing Kingdom of God, of which we are witnesses and bearers?  

Do we struggle to remember our identity as members of one world-wide Body of Christ, joined together as brothers and sisters, loving each other, laying down our lives for each other?  

Do we think the commands of the Lord are for the leaders, and those with special ministry calls to serve us?

Do we fear the gifts of apostle, prophet and evangelist because of some bad representations we have seen or heard about?  

Do we even believe these verses of Paul's are possible for our modern church?

Do we struggle with knowing what to believe or listen to in this world today?  Is our source for perspective the Holy Spirit?

Do we recognize these gifts in the local and our regional church expressions?  Are we in relationship with individuals who walk faithfully in these gifts?

This morning I am so convicted that there is much more growth available to us as the Church! I am encouraged that the Lord is stirring and moving and causing His gifts to enable us to grow and mature!  I am encouraged that the Lord isn't going to allow His Body to continue to be weak and ineffective.  I am encouraged that HE is about something far bigger than we can think or imagine!  

Oh Lord help us!  Oh Lord encourage us!  Oh Lord refresh Your gifts to us!  Help us to mature and grow!  Help us to embrace the quest for real maturity, as You would describe it!

Amen and Amen!

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