This morning as I opened my Bible, it opened up to the same verses I was reflecting on the last few days, which is not surprising, most mornings I use the Bible app I have loaded on my pad. Anyway, I was getting ready to turn to some new passages and my mind strayed back to the verses about the rain, wind and waters destroying the house built on sand, and I started thinking about what the rain, wind and waters represent in the context of the revelation I had yesterday concerning the fact that my battle is almost always in my mind and thoughts?
Here are the verses again - Matthew 7:24-27 NIV:
[24] “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. [25] The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. [26] But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. [27] The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”
As I mentioned yesterday, the primary struggle is internal for me, and it requires a daily connecting to the Rock. This morning, as noted above, I started thinking about the symbolism of the rain, wind and waters. Here are my first thoughts, starting with rain.
In my thinking, rain is generally inconvenient. It is usually something necessary for the earth, occasionally causes flooding, but for the land to produce food, trees and any type of greenery it is essential. However, whether warm or cold, it is something that generally adds inconvenience. People have to change plans, wear different clothes, drive differently, think and act differently than they want. For some people the greyness associated with the rain clouds brings a sort of melancholy or even depression, but overall rain isn't dangerous, super difficult or really troubling.
If I were to say what the "rain" is in my life, it is the rude people, the slow drivers, the things I get asked to do when I have another plan, the lack of my favorite drink at the store, the slow response of my cell phone, the changing of plans last minute, the lack of affirmation, having to wait in long lines, etc. None of these are real problems, but they all cause me to grumble, complain and think judgmental thoughts. Ultimately they uncover my selfish worldview and my judgment of all else, the loss of my perspective based on my relationship with the Lord. If I let this thinking persist, pretty soon I am thinking that God hates me because nothing is going the way I want it to! Man, that is ugly to admit.
As for the wind, my lovely daughter hates the wind because it pushes her. I think that is really good working definition for me as to what the wind represents. These are things that are beyond mere inconveniences, but rather things that I actually find myself doing, through no real choice of my own, at least that is the narrative in my mind. I would think these are highlighted in my life by thoughts like, "this isn't what I signed up for!"; "when did this become my job?"; "I hate this job!"; "This isn't worth it"; "how did I end up here?" Suffice it to say these are more difficult or troubling than just a little inconvenience.
In Missouri we can have stretches where the wind blows hard for multiple days in a row and it can be exhausting. These scenarios can cause me to seriously think about my life choices, the decisions that have been made that affect my life, and really question the goodness of God, especially as they continue longer and longer. My peace has gone, my focus is on my own life, and I am counting the cost and not liking what I am seeing. I am completely caught up in my own narrative, and I have lost any sense of my identity and loving relationship with the Lord. This is definitely not a good place.
Finally looking at the rising streams, or flood waters. I think these could represent the major difficulties that we encounter in life, the loss of relationships, the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, the long and difficult illnesses, significant financial struggles or bankruptcy, and the like. The thing about these types of rising waters is that they have the ability to wash away just about everything that was supporting our lives and worldviews. These are things that move beyond difficult into traumatic.
These types of situations really do strike at our core thinking and beliefs, not to mention affect the whole of our lives. As our lives are laid bare, we come face to face with what we really think and believe about God. Many find it easier to just come to the conclusion that there is no God! Worse I think is when a person thinks that there is a God and He hates them! In situations like these, in addition to having lost the sense of peace, we lose hope. Peace is for the present, and hope is for the future.
So, how do we stand and even prosper in the midst of rain, wind and floods? We press into the Lord, we press into His Word, we surround ourselves with those that have survived such experiences. We need people who can be with us in the difficult places, who can help us sandbag our lives to prepare for the rain, wind and floods. We listen to and act upon the words of Jesus, for they come from the heart of the Father! We tune in and listen to His narrative about our value to Him, rather than our own selfish narrative. If we find ourselves far from Him, we turn back to Him, and He will run to us and welcome us with open arms! (Luke 15:20).
My prayer for us all this morning is that we learn to stand, learn to connect to the Rock that we might resist the effects of the rain, wind and floods! I pray that we might connect to Him, and to those that can love us and surround us and speak life and truth into our minds and hearts! I pray that we might be warm, dry, and comfortable in our lives connected to Him!
Amen and Amen!
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