This morning I opened my Bible to Peter's first letter to the Christians scattered in the many regions of his day. I actually read through the whole letter, which I find is helpful to gain a better insight into the author's overall goals.
When I am reading from scripture I am always listening to my heart response, for the Lord will usually highlight the verses he wants me to read by causing my heart to respond with some excitement. I have heard it said that its like the "words jump off the page", and to some degree that is what it feels like. I can tell when my heart resonates with something I read, and that is where I stop and start to meditate, listening to the thoughts in my mind, and looking closely at the meaning of the verses. My Bible is heavily highlighted, so I usually am drawn to those passages first, as I highlight passages that seem significant to me as I read them. This morning, as is the case many mornings, I didn't read anything that stood out in the first chapter, so I just kept reading. All of it is good, and anyone of the verses is worthy of reflection, but I want to be paying attention to the Lord's word for me today.
I firmly believe that the Lord wants a relationship with us, and if that is the case then there must be the ability to communicate and converse, for that is the basic foundation of every relationship. If God wants a relationship then He must speak in such a way that I can hear Him, and must have the ability to both speak and respond, which again is part of every real relationship. I have learned to listen, and the Lord has opened for me many ways that He speaks to me, both through His written word in Scripture, but also directly to my mind and heart. This is possible, since according to Him, He lives in me (John 14:17). The main issue for all of us is learning to listen and hear, which can be different for each of us, but also similar enough that we can learn from each other. I am always encouraged when I hear how someone else hears God speak, for often times it will open up a way I had not previously considered, or recognized.
Anyway, that is a long introduction to say that this morning the verses that stood out to me were from the fourth chapter, so it required me to keep reading and pursuing what the Lord wanted me to reflect upon this morning. Here are the verses - 1 Peter 4:7-11 NIV:
[7] "The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. [8] Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. [9] Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. [10] Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. [11] If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."
My main focus is not on his first statement, as clearly when Peter made that statement, the end of all things was not as near as he thought. That being said, the end of all things is definitely nearer now than when Peter wrote it originally. I have never been a big end-times guy, namely because every generation has had plenty of those people who preached the end of the world was at hand, and everyone of them has been inaccurate. However, I like to say that the end of my world will occur in my life-time, and that is true for each of us. Our lives will end in death (the end of our time on this world), and our concerns as Christians should be not only our life here and now, but also our eternal life.
In the same way that Peter starts with that statement concerning the 'end of all things' but then moves into a discussion of how our lives should be lived here and now, I focus on the here and now primarily. If I look at his following statements, I can discern some clear guidance for my daily walk.
1) Be alert and of sober mind
2) Pray
3) Love each other deeply
4) Offer hospitality to one another
5) Use the gifts that I have received to serve others
6) Speak what I hear from the Lord
7) Serve to bring glory to the Lord
As I reflect on that list, it is actually not very complicated. We need to recognize our situation and be alert and able to think clearly. Peter wrote that we should make the most of our opportunity, recognizing that our lives are visible to others, and understanding that life wasn't always going to be easy. We are surrounded by those who have given themselves to the spirit of the age, and that spirit is against the Kingdom of God and will try to dissuade us and discourage us, and even outright attack us. This should show us how to pray, as we recognize the work of the enemy, we should speak to the Lord about those situations and Look to Him for guidance and direction (communication from HQ if you will) so that we can effectively push back the enemy, for the Kingdom of God is not in defensive mode, but rather is ever increasing.
In looking at Peter's next statements, we may not recognize them as such, but these are very effective weapons in the spiritual war in which we are engaged. We can pray, but we also need to love, to be hospitable, to use our gifts, serve one another, speak the encouragement of the Lord and give Him glory and Praise in all things! Love is probably the most effective weapon in our battle, Paul writes that there are three things that will remain, faith, hope and love, and the greatest is love (I Cor 13:13). Jesus said that Love was the motivation for Him to come to earth (John 3:16) and love was the motivation for His laying down His life (John 10:18 & John 15:13). Jesus' one command was that we should love one another as He loved us (John 15:12). Jesus absolutely knew the circumstances and spiritual realities He was birthing His church into, and His one command was to Love one another. This should tell us all we need to know, this was the most important thing for us all to do, and what we must do!
Finally we can be hospitable, opening our lives to one another and to others. Nothing creates open doors in others, like open doors in our own lives. If we invite people in, more than likely they will reciprocate. We have all received gifts that are meant to be shared with all. Often times, in our modern religious experience people have used these gifts for personal gain, rather than for serving each other. Our goal should be humble service and encouragement of the Body of Christ, and bringing Glory to the Lord, from whom the gifts are received. If we looked at the gifts we have received as being weapons against the enemy, maybe we would stop trying to use them for personal gain, and instead use them to push the enemy back and set others free.
I am encouraged today to press forward and take ground from the enemy using the effective weapons of love and hospitality, and the spiritual gifts that He has given me. I am encouraged to pray and listen, and respond with love and mercy, compassion and care. I have my marching orders for my day!
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