
I apologize for any poor English or writing. This comes directly from my prayer journal, and at 5am I am not always the best writer, nor do I catch all my mistakes. However, I think Mrs. Hausner, my highschool English teacher, would be glad that I am at least still writing.
- Sam

Monday, March 6, 2017

The Path To Unity

This morning I am reflecting on some verses from Paul's letter to the Philippians. The following verses are so encouraging, and yet difficult to live out - Philippians 2:1-5 NIV:

[1] "Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, [2] then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. [3] Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, [4] not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others."

[5] "In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:"

These verses fly in the face of our "every man for himself" culture and thinking.  We are so quick to reject anything that doesn't put us first, that doesn't benefit us directly!  Paul's encouragement is to live a life patterned after Christ. Jesus called us to love one another as He demonstrated (John 13:34) putting the needs of others before His own, laying down His life freely (John 10:17), enduring the cross for the joy set before Him (Heb 12:2). None of that is easy, none of that comes without a cost, yet this is our call and invitation.

I believe that Paul desires to cause the church in Philippi to stop and reflect and allow these encouragements to settle into their hearts and minds.  All of this is available through our relationship with Jesus, through our empowering through the in-dwelling Holy Spirit. He provides His love, compassion and tenderness and perspective.  It is available to us all, if we enter through Christ.

However, as good as this all sounds, I believe that it is impossible on our own to work up unity, to create through nice thought and good feelings a unity in spirit and mind that is in-line with the Lord!  Throughout history, many have tried to create utopian societies where everyone looked after one another and shared everything in common and there was no violence, selfishness or power struggles, yet man's proclivity for selfishness always dooms these experiments to failure.  The core thinking behind communism and socialism have these type of goals and vision, yet when they are put into practice they always fail.  Rather than creating a society where everyone is unified and equally blessed, of one mind and spirit, they create police states where all power is in the government and a few powerful individuals, and they forcibly tell you what to think and how to act.

The difference here is that we have, in Christ, the opportunity to freely choose, to embrace His mind-set. The core of Christianity is free-will, the ability to choose!  This life is available through relationship with Jesus, a free gift to any that would choose.  We are not forced, not coerced, but lovingly invited to embrace a life-style that brings life and maturity, opens the doors to the Kingdom of God on earth, and provides eternal life.  All of this unity and one mindedness is not something we work up and then the Lord blesses, but rather it is the result of  our unity with Him.  The more we think like Him and act like Him, the more we will be unified in mind and spirit.  This is why one of the foundational Gospel messages is repentance, for repentance means changing the way we think and then the way we act.  As we see Jesus, as we encounter Him, we are given the opportunity to choose to be like Him.  We see how good He is, and we can then choose to follow His example.  This is what Paul is encouraging the church in Philippi to embrace.

So the question, first and foremost, for me is whether I am open to change? I have to be willing to change, willing to see there is another way of thinking and acting.  If I am willing, then I am open to suggestions and the Lord in mercy and compassion will provide plenty of opportunities.  The thing I have learned about the Lord is that He is infinitely wise and patient.  He understands my fears, my concerns, my own proclivity for selfish thought, and yet He daily provides opportunities to grow and become more like Him. I guess one could say that Christianity is in principle quite easy, we just need to see what Jesus is doing and follow Him.  The difficulty is that we are selfish and Jesus demonstrated a selflessness, love, mercy and compassion that requires us to lay down our selfishness, our pride and our opinions.  If we are to follow Him, to choose to be like Him, then everything that is in us that isn't like Him will have the opportunity to be jettisoned.

In summary, the opportunity for growth and unity comes at the cost of our own selfishness.  If we are pursuing unity, love and compassion then we will need to walk in humility and follow Jesus' lead, and be willing to lay down our lives, and put others first.  Oh Lord, help me!  I don't like the cost of this path, but I know it is the path to eternal life, and the expansion of Your Kingdom here on earth.

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