I was reading through Paul's second letter to the Church in Corinth, and came across some interesting verses that seemed applicable to our present times. Here are the verses - 2 Corinthians 5:13-17 NIV:
[13] "If we are “out of our mind,” as some say, it is for God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you. [14] For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. [15] And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again."
[16] "So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. [17] Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"
I gotta say verse 13 is what grabbed my attention, as "out of our mind" seems to describe many of the people around the world today. I know that is certainly a judgmental statement, as it really relates to how I think compared to others. I find I am not necessarily a good judge of my own perspective or my own reality, and thus must turn to the Lord for the Truth, for He is the Truth (John 14:6).
Once captured by the opening line, I was then thinking about how Paul writes that "Christ's love compels us", and I was thinking that is such a different motivation than what we often see when we look to the Church. Again, that is a judgment of sorts, for I cannot tell what the motivation is in the hearts of the many leaders but I can assess what seems to be the motivation based on their ministry focus, their pastoral messages, and their programs.
The key to this statement by Paul, is the personal experience of the love of Christ, both personally, and as a motivating force. The wind that is blowing them along is Christ's love for the lost. They know His love personally, and they know His heart, and they feel His love for the lost, and because they love Him in return His passion becomes their passion! This isn't about programs, or doing the right thing as a human being, this is about a passionate love that becomes the driving force of their life! As I think about this, I realize that much of the time, I am a far cry from this sort of expression and life motivation. Lord, help me! Help me to know the passions of Your heart, that I might join myself to this passion, that it might become mine! Help me open my heart to the same things that cause Your heart to burn. Help me to be open to the lost, to the lonely, to the widow and orphan, to the oppressed, to the poor, to the hungry, to the wounded and sick, to your sons and daughters of every nation, tribe, and color.
Secondly, verse 16, seems helpful in this day of increasing division and strife, of judging people by the color of their skin, of their beliefs, of their benign actions. We can't seem to help ourselves from judging people from a worldly point of view! We are so quick to affix labels, to group people by certain characteristics, and think that we know everything about them by one label! I know good, even great people of every color, belief system, gender, socio-economic level, and job. I also know that there are likely bad, even evil, people in every segment of our population. I also know many people who are nothing like their parents, or their grandparents, and judging someone due to the history of their people is just as wrong. All of this would be classified as regarding people from a worldly point of view.
As Christians, we are called to a higher perspective, stepping from a worldly perspective to God's perspective. God looks at each of us as unique, and as someone He loves, someone that He created, someone that He died for. This is exactly what Paul is talking about here, this is Christ's compelling love. He holds nothing back from anyone. He loves each of us individually and infinitely. His passion burns for each of us, from the least to the greatest! His love for us was His compelling motivation (John 3:16). His love was so great it caused Him to act. In the same way, we are called to embrace His love, and allow this love to compel us to act.
When the Lord looks at us, He either sees someone who is lost, whose life He paid for with His blood, or He sees a new creation, someone whose whole life has been joined with His, as a result of His great sacrifice. In either case, His love is unabated and unchanged. He sees no label, nor does He limit Himself to a certain tribe or nation. He is all in for all of us!
My prayer for myself, and for all of us today is that we might lay down our labels and embrace Christ's passionate love for each and everyone we meet! Whether lost or found, His love burns with a passion we can only slightly comprehend! Let us choose to embrace this river of passion that flows from His throne to all mankind! Let it burn within us and compel us to act!
Peace and Love in and through Christ!
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