This morning I felt like I should go back to the story of the death of Lazarus, found in John, chapter 11. I have spent a fair amount of time reflecting on this chapter over the last few years, so I am always interested in going back and having the Lord provide fresh revelation from a familiar story. Today, I felt like one one verse from this whole story needed to be shared and reflected upon - John 11:35 NIV:
[35] "Jesus wept."
I can think of no better description of the Lord's reaction to all that is happening right now.
He wept because He loved! He loved Lazarus, and He loved Mary and Martha.
He wept because He understood their pain, their loss, and their grief.
He wept because He understood that they had put their trust in Him.
He wept because they couldn't yet see the good that would come form Lazarus's death.
He wept because they though He had abandoned them.
He wept because He shared their pain and felt it himself.
As I look at the pain and suffering that is present today in our nation, in our cities, and around the world, I believe Jesus weeps. He weeps for all those that have died, including George Floyd. He weeps for those that have been killed in the riots. He weeps for those police officers that have been killed. He weeps for the racial injustice. He weeps for the financial impact of the riots, for those that have lost everything. He weeps for those who are living in fear. He weeps for those that no longer value human lives. He weeps for the ways we are treating one another, in anger and judgment, spewing accusations, fomenting lies, even threatening one another.
He weeps for those that have been afflicted with Covid-19. He weeps for those families who have lost loved ones. He weeps for those health-care workers who are giving their all to treat those with this disease. He weeps for those millions who have lost jobs, businesses and their livelihood. He weeps for those who are living in fear, who no longer trust their fellow neighbors, and family. He weeps for all those who are confused and no longer know how they will make it, how they will live.
He weeps for all people, in every nation, tribe and tongue, for His eyes are over the whole world. He weeps that there is racial injustice everywhere. He weeps for the downtrodden, the marginalized, the poor, those in slavery, those who are indentured, those who are in prison, those who live in abject poverty, those who are sick with no hope of medical care, those who are dying, and those who live under religious, social, or governmental oppression.
He weeps for the division found in the Body of Christ today! He weeps for the way brothers and sisters use His name to justify all sorts of terrible injustices. He weeps for the way His Name is represented by those who preach hatred, division, judgment and violence! He weeps that so many don't know Him, don't know His love personally. He weeps that many churches no longer worship Him, but rather worship some image of Him.
He weeps.
It is right for us to look to Him, to represent Him as one who feels deeply, as one who sees the infinite value in every human, in their life, in their purpose, in their ability to bring about beauty to this world. To Him every life matters. He is not some cold and distant God, He is God who came to earth, become fully human, and who understands our human feelings, pain and suffering! He knows, and He Loves!
Let us embrace those around us who are hurting, whatever the source! Let us represent the Lord, the one who feels deeply, who mourns with those who mourn. Let us also represent Him as the Resurrection and the Life, for He is the only one who saves, whose words lead to eternal life! He is the only one in whose name the dead are raised, the wounded are healed, and the lame are made whole.
Let us not shy away from this time of passion and pain, but let us bring the life and peace of Jesus to our hurting world!
As Jesus said to Martha, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; [26] and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26 NIV)
Amen and Amen!
May the peace of Christ Jesus, His deep love, Him overwhelming compassion be yours today! May He meet you where you are, and speak His words of Life! May He bring comfort and empathy, mercy and grace for you today.
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