
I apologize for any poor English or writing. This comes directly from my prayer journal, and at 5am I am not always the best writer, nor do I catch all my mistakes. However, I think Mrs. Hausner, my highschool English teacher, would be glad that I am at least still writing.
- Sam

Friday, September 1, 2017

For Such A Time As This! An Encouragement to Re-engage!

I had two very interesting dreams this morning, and I believe they are significant to me personally and also to the greater Body of Christ.

In the first dream the situation is a bit strange, but I will try and explain.  In my dream it was like I was woke up after a long sleep (multiple years - even decades), and things had changed radically in our society for the better. God had clearly been at work and His Kingdom presence was evident, and all of society (that I saw) was positively affected. It felt like I had been asleep, but I saw that indeed I had been right there all along, but that I had been in a state where my memories didn't register.

An analogy for this would be when you fall asleep in the car, and wake up a few hours later in a completely different state.  You were there the whole time, maybe even subconsciously aware of what was happening, but definitely not engaged in either the driving or the conversation.  However, when you wake up you are refreshed, and you have benefitted from the driving of someone else and are now much further along than you would have thought.

In the second dream, I was at an international meeting of people who were very active in the Body of Christ.  I had been invited and knew most of the people there, and had been in training with many of them.  At this meeting the leaders starting calling people out and assigning them new positions and roles, giving them significant new opportunities and callings.  I waited patiently for my name to be called, and at the end no one had called my name.  I couldn't understand why I hadn't been selected, and was feeling a bit dejected.  I had even been used during the event to speak some pretty powerful words to different leaders, and pray for other leaders and the Lord was clearly present in both situations.  I was sitting in the back wondering about this all and guy from Europe came over and felt like he should pray for me.  He received a sense from the Lord and said, "It isn't so bad that you haven't been chosen for this time."  That's where I woke up.

As I sat in bed mulling over these two dreams, I felt like the Lord gave me some insight and completed the message.  I felt like He said that in war the great generals win not always by sheer numbers, but by knowing when exactly to deploy their troops and in what areas of the battle to deploy them.  They always hold certain troops in reserve, and deploy them at the exact right time, with maximum impact.  The strategic deployment of different types of troops, for instance calvary, can completely change the course of the battle.

I understood then that these dreams were a picture of that strategy being played out by the Lord.  In the first dream, which was a ministry related dream, I had woken up, or essentially re-engaged after what seemed like many years. God had been moving powerfully the whole time, and I just wasn't aware of His work, but I immediately saw the results upon waking.  In the second dream, I was thinking I had been overlooked, but the Lord had a final word and completed the statement of the young man who prayed for me.  The Young man said, "It isn't so bad that you haven't been chosen for this time." The Lord added, "Because your day of deployment is fast approaching, and when Your name is called, it will be at the exact right time in the exact right location, and you will be fresh and ready!  That is what I mean when I say, 'for such a time as this!'"  (For reference this is from Esther 4:14).

So, here is the encouragement for the Body of Christ:

Don't worry if it seems you missed out, or have been disengaged over the last several years.  God has been at work and Your day is approaching.  For many, it is time to wake and re-engage and rejoin the Body of Christ.  For others who have been actively engaged, that time of deployment is right now!  For others, the Lord's timing is perfect, and if your time isn't right now, it is because He is holding you in reserve for the perfect time and perfect day to engage.  He is the greatest strategist of all time, and His timing is perfect.  He hasn't overlooked you, He hasn't forgotten about you, He wants you refreshed and ready for that day.  Each of us will have our 'for such a day as this' moment in our lives!  So get ready, let the Lord's encouragement speak to you, regardless of your particular situation, and do not lose faith or hope, for He has a perfect plan and you are part of it.

Amen Lord!

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