
I apologize for any poor English or writing. This comes directly from my prayer journal, and at 5am I am not always the best writer, nor do I catch all my mistakes. However, I think Mrs. Hausner, my highschool English teacher, would be glad that I am at least still writing.
- Sam

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Days of Remembrance - How I Got Here

This morning I am reflecting briefly on a few verses from Leviticus 23:39,42-43 NIV:

[39] “ 'So beginning with the fifteenth day of the seventh month, after you have gathered the crops of the land, celebrate the festival to the Lord for seven days; the first day is a day of sabbath rest, and the eighth day also is a day of sabbath rest."

[42] "Live in temporary shelters for seven days: All native-born Israelites are to live in such shelters [43] so your descendants will know that I had the Israelites live in temporary shelters when I brought them out of Egypt. I am the Lord your God.' ”

I was reflecting on these verses yesterday and when I opened my bible, it just seemed that I needed to spend some more time on these verses.  The concept is quite simple, remember where you came from, what your life was like, what the Lord has done for you!  The Lord initiated this festival, and wanted the Israelites to celebrate this every year, so they wouldn't forget their miraculous release from Egypt and their 40 years in the wilderness.

It is interesting that the command was to live in temporary shelters, as a way of reminding themselves of their history.  It was during that time that they were transformed from a bunch of slaves into a nation.  It was a significant time in understanding their identity as God's chosen people.  It was a time of being led by the presence of God, in the form of a pillar of Fire or Cloud.  They knew God's manifest presence, and they learned to move when He moved.  It is my belief that the Lord was calling them to remember that season, so that in the midst of their settled lives, they were able to understand God's ways and leading.

I know for myself, sometimes I can get into a rut of repetition, and lose my sense of God's direction and guidance in my life.  I can settle in and just go about my day to day life, which does include prayer and scripture, but which does not challenge me to grow or be ready to respond to God's new direction.  I can think that this is my life, and be unwilling to change course, or living situation.  The Lord does not lead us into change and times of transition just for fun, but He is always about helping us to mature and become who He sees we are, and says we are.  Our sedentary life-styles can cause us to lose focus, to forget who we are, and to be unwilling to change.

I am also reminded of how different their lives were, going from slavery in brick factories of Egypt, into the wilderness where God provided food daily.  He gave them the covenant of the Law, established the Tabernacle and practices of their religion during that time in the desert.  He Forged them into a nation that was able to conquer the Promised Land, city by city.  Previously they were slaves with no leadership, no real sense of their national identity, or even knowledge of how to worship God, and God established all of that in 40 years.  When I think about that transformation, I am amazed, for I know how hard it is for me to change.

Finally, I am encouraged to look back at my life, and see all the things that God has done!  As I look back I see the significant difference, the leading down paths of abundant blessings, the maturation, the seasons of change and transition, and mostly the increasing understanding of my identity in Him.  I see His hand at work constantly in my life.

As an anlogy, I am reminded of what it is like to carve something out of wood.  There is an initial idea, and then slowly I work the wood removing large sections with a band-saw, then sanding and carving down other areas and finally refining the shape with sand paper and polisher.  In my life, I see so many areas that have been hewn, or sanded or polished by Him.  I am certainly not finished, but I know He is at work, refining me, and I welcome His direction and guidance, for I know I am being formed in His image.

It is good for me to remember the change, the way I used to think, the way I used to be.  It is good to be reminded of His gracious blessing, His forgiveness and mercy, His compassion and gentleness.  It is good to look back at the journey of my life, seeing how the Lord has led me and guided me.  It is good to remember, and to be grateful for all He has accomplished.  It is good to remember who I was, and to reflect on who I am, and how I got here!!

Thank You Lord for Your abundant blessings and constant leading and invitation to relationship!


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