
I apologize for any poor English or writing. This comes directly from my prayer journal, and at 5am I am not always the best writer, nor do I catch all my mistakes. However, I think Mrs. Hausner, my highschool English teacher, would be glad that I am at least still writing.
- Sam

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Revealing the Sons and Daughters of God!

The other morning I had a long dream that was very complex.  It started with a long review of the worldwide struggle and spiritual warfare at a significant level, like millions, even billions of combatants.  It was like at times I could see beyond the natural into the supernatural, almost like I could see past the veil into the unseen realm.  I was concerned that there didn't seem to be progress being made by the good side. 

I was looking for the key to changing the outcome, and I was led to these three different guys who were like key gate-keepers and they were really weak and barely able to push back the enemies that were trying to break through.  As I was looking at them, I realized that they were actually great warriors, but it was like they were unaware of who they were.  I got right up in one of their faces, and told him who he was, and it was like all of a sudden his self-deception just melted off of him, and he was revealed for who he was, a mighty warrior!  That turned out to be the catalyst for a massive change that swept through all of the good side as they were all revealed to be sons and daughters of God!  Its like all of a sudden their cloaks were thrown down and they were all shining and bright and powerful.  The tide immediately turned and the bad army was pushed back and defeated.  The idea that was in my mind was that we all were restored to our position that Adam had originally, one of intimacy, authority and dominion.

I woke up and found myself praying for us to understand and embrace our true identities as sons and daughters, believing that is what the Lord is waiting for, and desiring.  This is so significant that it will literally change the whole environment, the whole spiritual atmosphere! 

The enemy is working overtime to keep us deceived, so that we don't realize who we really are, sons and daughters of God.  We are mighty warriors, able to walk in authority and power, and the Father is waiting for us to step into this reality.

This reality is about us stepping into His power and His authority, for we only have it (Power and Authority) in relationship with Him.  As we turn to Him, we receive our directions, which are handed out to each of us individually, They are delivered not to see us fail, but are handed out by One who loves us and wants us to succeed.  He will guide us and lead us, but we have to believe His words for us....about us.  He tells us what we can do, and we need to believe that we are capable because He knows us... because He has gifted us! 

As I wrote that last bit I was reminded of a time my son was in the 5th grade and had been tasked with writing a research paper.  He was completely overwhelmed by this assignment and had no idea how to proceed.  I knew he could do it, but he was so stressed he saw no way forward, and truthfully didn't have all the understanding or skills required.  However, I knew how to write one, and with some serious Holy Spirit inspiration was able to figure out how to help him.  Rather then write down note-cards, I had him voice record the information he knew as I asked him questions, then he listened to the recording and typed what he said.  It worked wonderfully!  Anyway, the point is that I knew, as his father, that he was capable.  I also knew he needed help, so I helped him.  I didn't provide him the material, I didn't write the material for him, I helped him discover his own abilities and knowledge and capabilities in a way that didn't require him to fail!  I know the Lord is far better at encouragement and helping us then I ever could be, and He is about revealing to us our true nature and abilities and He is going to help us succeed!

Many of us see ourselves in the battle regularly, struggling with thoughts, actions, intentions, and whatever, not making much progress.  However, the problem is that we are often working out of our strength and effort, when instead the Lord wants us to step into Him (We are hidden in Christ - Col 3:3) and fight from that position.  Imagine if you were being chased by the enemy, where is the safest place you can hide?  Hidden in Him who has already defeated the enemy!   If we are hidden in Christ, sitting with Him on the Throne (Eph 2:6), we bring a completely different perspective to our struggles, the effort required, the actual effort is mostly His.  When we step into our true identity we open ourselves to His provision and power, His authority and perspective.  We allow Him to move us and teach us, and work through us! 

I am reminded of the TV Show Power Rangers, how kids were given the ability to "Power Up" and they were given suits and robotic creatures they controlled.  In these robotic creatures, the individual person was inside them, and was encased in power and had a completely different ability, and level of power.  This is what we are called to do, to step back into the Lord, into our relationship with Him, into His power, under His wings, settling back into Him.  He wants to call us into His unity.

I am reminded of a couple of verses from John 17:22-26 NASB:

[22] "The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one; [23] I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me. [24] Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.

[25] "O righteous Father, although the world has not known You, yet I have known You; and these have known that You sent Me; [26] and I have made Your name known to them, and will make it known, so that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them."

If we look closely at these verses we see that we are called into that intimate unity with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and in that place where they are, we will see and experience the Glory of the Son, and the whole world will know! 

And finally - back to the dream.  I felt like the main point was that we must understand who we really are, sons and daughters of God.  We must understand this truth and then walk in this truth, effectively revealing ourselves to the world.  In fact Paul wrote the following in his letter to the Romans 8:19 NASB: "For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God."

Let us step into our true identity as sons and daughters of God!  Let us cast aside the veils and cloaks of the enemy's lies and deception, and let us embrace fully God's desire for us to be revealed to the whole world as His sons and daughters!  Let us change the atmosphere of the whole world!!


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