
I apologize for any poor English or writing. This comes directly from my prayer journal, and at 5am I am not always the best writer, nor do I catch all my mistakes. However, I think Mrs. Hausner, my highschool English teacher, would be glad that I am at least still writing.
- Sam

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Embracing Differences In The Body of Christ

Last night I had a number of dreams, but I had two in particular that stood out, and they were both about a small country church that a friend and I visited one weekend when we were traveling somewhere together.  Anyway, the people there were lovely and excited about having visitors, as  that clearly didn't happen often.  They were hoping we might become long term members.  What was interesting was their worship, or I should say their music selection.  They had several people get up and sing to the Lord, but the styles and selections were not cohesive at all.  One guy, wearing his special leather vest and long guitar sang some rock-ballad style song, with his wife accompanying him, to the Lord.  The next up was a traditional hymn, sung operatic style, and then the third woman got up and was rapping, and dancing quite horribly.  It was at that point I woke up.  

Upon waking, I had to smile at the bizzareness of the dream, and the strange ways my mind apparently entertains itself!  Anyway I went back to sleep, and then something that almost never happens to me occured, I dreamt about the church again, and this time it was clear it was some time later, and that people knew me, and it appeared that I had even spoken there.  Anyway the music selection this time was equally off the charts unique.  There was a group that was doing a 70s style love song, complete with choreography and interpretive dance motions, another group was dressed in the matching outfits and were clearly going to be a doing something with British invasion sound. Another individual got up and sang something that would be heard on TBN, very dramatic and such.  Another couple got up and sang a beautiful worship song that they had written and was clearly a church-group favorite, or everyone was mouthing the words, and commenting on how much they loved that song.  

Again, I woke up and thought that was so strange to have two dreams in one night with a very similar theme, going back to the same place.  It was at this point that I felt like the Lord pointed me back to one of my Pastor's sermon this past weekend about our need to look past our differences.  

The point that I get out of these dreams is simply this that in the same way we allow the enemy to separate us over different teaching, or things we think are important, worship styles can be equally difficult to see past.  I felt like the Lord gave me the same dream twice to make sure I was paying attention, and understood.  In His eyes, it was all worship!  Everything that is directed to Him, regardless of style, quality of voice, or skill, He enjoys and welcomes.  We are so quick to judge other's expressions as being less than what we want, or think is correct, or moves us, and somehow we allow this to become a point of separation in the Body of Christ.  I have a strong feeling that we are going to need to look past our differences in every area in the near future.  We are all sons and daughters of God, and He loves us, not in spite of our differences, but because we are all unique.  There is something in our uniqueness that He loves, for it represents His creation, and each is a small representation of Him.  

It is time for us to welcome, with love, acceptance and warmth, those that are different than us, no matter how they pronounce Shibboleth (see Judges 12:4-6)

Blessings, Sam

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