
I apologize for any poor English or writing. This comes directly from my prayer journal, and at 5am I am not always the best writer, nor do I catch all my mistakes. However, I think Mrs. Hausner, my highschool English teacher, would be glad that I am at least still writing.
- Sam

Thursday, December 7, 2023

The Yeast of the Kingdom

This morning I have been reading about yeast that is used in the bread making process.  This is not my normal line of reflection or study, however I thought it important because Jesus said the kingdom of God was like yeast.  Here is the direct quote - Luke 13:20-21 NIV: 

[20] "Again he asked, “What shall I compare the kingdom of God to? [21] It is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds of flour until it worked all through the dough.”

It really a very simple statement, and one that made me think, and will hopefully provide some "food for thought" for others.

Simply understood, yeast is a single cell organism (actually related to fungus)  that feeds on sugars and starches in their different forms and converts the sugars into carbon dioxide and alcohol.  While it is a single cell organism it typically lives in multi-cellular environments.  It is used in the making of things such as wine and beer, and all sorts of baked goods like bread. Jesus is talking about the flour and bread combination here, so I will dive deeper into that particular process.

The yeast that comes in the packages we use and add to the dough is actually dry yeast that needs to be activated by adding warm water.  This warm water allows the latent yeast to come alive and the process is an aerobic process, in other words it requires oxygen to function properly.  Interestingly, yeast is all around us, and lies dormant until activated.  The initial phase of activation sees the yeast start to use its latent energy reserves, and begin to consume any food around them, with the goal of multiplication. Bread yeast generally reproduces through budding, where a yeast cell grows another cell, and when its the same size as the parent, breaks off and starts the multiplication process.  Any single yeast cell can produce many daughter cells, one at a time. The yeast cells can multiply quickly, doubling in number in an hour and a half.  

As the yeast eats the sugars and starches, it creates carbon dioxide and alcohol in equal amounts in a process that is called fermentation.  In bread, both types help to change the surrounding material, and the yeast provides flavors and aromas as it works through the process.  The release of the elements helps the gluten proteins to bind together, and ultimately the gas gets trapped in little tiny bubbles that enable the dough to rise.  Ultimately, when heated the yeast continues to rise (multiply and eat) until it becomes too hot and the yeast dies, and the gluten structures harden and you have bread!

So how does this relate to the Kingdom of God?  

I don't believe that the common people of Jesus' time knew about all the cellular stuff happening, so while helpful, I think we must look at the basics they would have known.  First, the yeast had to be activated with water and warmth and added to something like flour. The result was that dough rose, or grew in size, and ultimately was able to become bread through baking.  They knew that you needed to mix the yeast into the flour thoroughly, so that it rose evenly.  They knew that yeast added to flour caused the result to smell and taste better. They knew that the yeast had to be alive to work.

Let me see if I can put this into a Kingdom understanding.  

We all have in us latent yeast  - God's image and spiritual DNA (if you will).  God has mixed us all together and we are surrounded by others just like us.  God's spiritual DNA in us is meant to change the world, and to do so this we need this to be activated.  When I think of warm water, I think of "Living Water" affected by the fire of the Holy Spirit!  When activated in us, our lives are transformed, and we begin to impact those around us!  As our lives are consumed we give off that which changes the very structures our surroundings, allowing them to be infused with gas (Holy Spirit) that causes them to rise!  As we do so, a heavenly aroma is released, and the taste of our lives in enriched and changed! 

Taking this to the cellular level of understanding, we are meant to multiply!  We need oxygen (Holy Spirit's breath) to do so, and the environment needs to be conducive.  When you start yeast, you add it to warm water and add a little sugar or flour to the mixture, so that yeast has something to eat as initially, but if left in that starter bowl yeast will quickly consume all the food and die, or back into a latent state.  It must be mixed with larger amounts of flour, once started or it will not be effective. 

Taking all of this back to our lives and being called to multiply the Kingdom of God, we are called to be change agents.  We are unable to do so without activation, and that requires an outside agent (Holy Spirit) being added to our normal dry existence.  Once we come alive, we are meant to affect the larger population, and cause it to rise up.  Gathering together with like minded and spirited people is helpful, as it enables us to become fully enlivened, but we must move beyond that to the larger population.  We should naturally reproduce, and this is part of our very nature.  We are all called to reproduce like minded and hearted others after God's DNA.  As the Church, this is part of our call, to create enlivening environments, that allow for activation, but always with a goal of multiplication and affecting our surroundings, changing the very aroma and taste of our cultures!

So my question this morning is whether I am alive, and activated and reproducing?  Am I changing my environment, and I seeing change in myself, allowing those things in me that can be consumed for God's glory, to be so consumed?  Am I allowing the yeast in me to become alive?  Am I building a conducive environment in my own life to sustain and grow and multiply my own spiritual nature?

Lord, please help me to fulfill completely Your purpose for me!  Help me to affect the lives of my family and those around me, giving You the Glory! Help me to be the yeast of the Kingdom!


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