
I apologize for any poor English or writing. This comes directly from my prayer journal, and at 5am I am not always the best writer, nor do I catch all my mistakes. However, I think Mrs. Hausner, my highschool English teacher, would be glad that I am at least still writing.
- Sam

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Thoughts on the Good News, Sin and Punishment

It is essential to establish the core beliefs, and here is a list of things I think are foundational, as they refer to God's amazing Good News and Salvation, and our thinking about punishment, sin and death.

1. God cares about relationships, relationships where choice is available. It is what He desires most, and why He created us.

2. Because relationships require choice, free will and the ability to choose not to be in relationship must be available. So, even though God is all knowing, all powerful and able to do anything, He allows us to choose to go against His will - this is the root cause of evil and sin. Angels and humans have free choice.

3. Sin causes separation and death - that is the punishment that is related to sin, separation in our relationship with God and death. All men sin and have sinned. (Rom 5:12) (Rom 6:23)

4. The Bible represents an ongoing revelation about God, with the culmination of revelation in the person Jesus. He is perfect theology - He reveals the Father, and is a perfect representation of Him. (Heb 1:3) All other revelation about God in the old testament was shaded and shaped by human limitations of thought and understanding, it was all true, just limited.

5. Jesus came to reveal the Father and restore relationship with the Father, and pay the price and purchase forgiveness for our sins, and establish the Kingdom of God on earth. This is the heart of the Good News!

6. Jesus paid for all our sins, for every sin (Is 53:4,5) (Rom 5). This is either true or not.

7. If we receive Jesus as our Lord, and accept His salvation, His sacrifice is applied to our lives, and our sins are forgiven.

8. If Jesus paid for all our sins, then we don't need to. This isn't meant to be a free ticket to do whatever we want, but is meant to lead us to relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. If God requires us to pay for our sins, after .Jesus paid, than He is saying that Jesus' sacrifice was not sufficient.

9. Punishment for sins, is the same as paying for sins, and since Jesus paid with His life, He took the punishment for our sins, separation from the Father and death, upon Himself. Thus, God does not need, nor will He punish us for our sins.

10. Punishment is not the same as consequences. We reap want we sow, and if we choose poorly, there will be consequences to our choices. If I choose to step into oncoming traffic there will be a consequence to that choice, but it is not punishment. (Gal 6:7-8)

11. Punishment is not the same as discipline. Discipline is about building character, and endurance and strength, and passing on core values. Sometimes discipline feels like punishment, but it is not. (Heb 12)

12. Punishment and judgement are not the same thing. Jesus made it clear there would be a judgement day, and that would be followed by just rewards. Those that chose God will be rewarded with eternal relationship with Him, those that did not choose God, will be rewarded with their choice eternally - separation from God, and all that He created (Matt 25) (Rev 20:11-15)

13. Jesus said He didn't come to judge, but to save the world, (Jn 3:16-17) and as such will reserve judgement until the final day of judgement.

14. God does not cause sickness, calamity or destruction, those are the result of a fallen world, and sin. We know this is the case because Jesus, the perfect representation of the Father, never caused sickness, calamity or destruction (other than purifying the temple).

15. God doesn't need calamity or destruction to draw all men to Himself. Most of the greatest revivals in history had nothing to do with calamity, or destruction, but were the result of fervent prayers and intercession, and God's sovereign choice. God's glory is enough to draw people to Him. He wants lovers, not those fearing punishment.

16. God can use everything to bring about His Glory, but sin, sickness, death and destruction are not His choice for us. God can redeem us from any bad circumstance or situation, but He did not cause them.

17. God is good, loving, merciful, full of compassion, faithful, forgiving, and desires relationship with each of us. He longs to call each of us His son or daughter.

I could keep going and will probably do so another day, as I want focus on the basics of kingdom life and God's amazing plan for our lives here on the earth.

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