
I apologize for any poor English or writing. This comes directly from my prayer journal, and at 5am I am not always the best writer, nor do I catch all my mistakes. However, I think Mrs. Hausner, my highschool English teacher, would be glad that I am at least still writing.
- Sam

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Choose Love Over Position And Authority In The Body!

This morning I opened my Bible and felt like I should read Paul's letter to Philemon. This so such an unusual letter compared to the rest of Paul's more formal letters to churches. Here he is writing a very personal letter to Philemon. I was reading it through and the following two verses caught my attention. I guess it is always interesting to me when authority is discussed in the New Testament, because I feel this in one of the areas that is often misused and abused in our churches. Here are the verses - Philemon 1:8-9 NIV:

[8] "Therefore, although in Christ I could be bold and order you to do what you ought to do, [9] yet I prefer to appeal to you on the basis of love. It is as none other than Paul---an old man and now also a prisoner of Christ Jesus---"

On first reading of this, it appears that Paul is saying He could pull rank and order Philemon to do this thing, and in some ways that is correct, but not in some petty power hungry way. When I reviewed the original Greek, it is clear that the translation could be written several ways, and this particular version misses some of the nuances that are important to Paul's statement. The NASB translates verse 8 - "Therefore, though I have enough confidence in Christ to order you to do what is proper,..."

The word translated either confidence (NASB) or bold (NIV) is the Greek word Parrhesia whose definition is:

1. freedom in speaking, unreservedness in speech
a. openly, frankly, i.e without concealment
b. without ambiguity or circumlocution
c. without the use of figures and comparisons
2. free and fearless confidence, cheerful courage, boldness, assurance
3. the deportment by which one becomes conspicuous or secures publicity

This word is prefaced by the Greek word translated much or very. The translation could read - much freedom, very open, very frank, much confidence, much boldness...etc. The point is that Paul is confident in his relationship with Christ, and his position in the Body of Christ.

The second Greek word that is translated order (as in a command) is the Greek word Epitasso whose base definition is:

1. to enjoin upon, order, command, charge

This Geek word is made up of two other Greek words Epi and Tasso, which mean over and a position or authority. In other words Paul is in a position or had authority over Philemon in Christ, or more specifically in the Body of Christ.

So we could have a translation that reads more like this - "Therefore, because of my position in the Body of Christ I could freely ask you this..."

In other words Paul is choosing not to relate to Philemon as an Apostle, whose place in authority over the Body of Christ is clearly understood, but rather he is asking Him as one brother who loves the other brother (agape). I believe Paul is actually appealing to the higher level when he approaches him as a brother that he loves, and choosing not to approach this from the position of authority.

Since the command of Jesus is that we love one another(John 13:34-35), and the great focus and treasure in His Kingdom is relationship, not positions of power and authority, Paul is going to the top level in the Body of Christ, that of love. Paul knows he is an Apostle, and from a governmental perspective, he could provide an opinion, but instead he is choosing to relate one on one, or brother to brother. Paul is showing Philemon that he values him as a brother more than his own position. He is clearly showing his love and applying the teaching of Jesus in laying down his life (John 15:12-13) for His brother Onesimus, as well as Philemon.

So my encouragement is that I should always lead with love, choosing brotherly love over position and authority. My prayer is the church, specifically leaders in the church, might come to understand and move in this manner. That the significance of every one, the Lord's love for them and acceptance of them might be the first consideration. That we would choose to relate to one another as brothers and sisters first, even though organizational position or authority would allow otherwise. That we would always default to agape - brotherly love.

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