
I apologize for any poor English or writing. This comes directly from my prayer journal, and at 5am I am not always the best writer, nor do I catch all my mistakes. However, I think Mrs. Hausner, my highschool English teacher, would be glad that I am at least still writing.
- Sam

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Eat, Practice, Grow, Bear Fruit!

This morning I am reflecting on one of James' most challenging statements, challenging in a good way, for he is talking  about the need to put our faith and belief into action.  Here are the verses - James 2:14-17 NIV:

[14] "What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? [15] Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. [16] If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? [17] In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead."

The challenging part of this statement is to take the end statement and use it as a filter when looking at my life.  If faith that isn't accompanied by action is dead, then I should be able to look at my beliefs and faith and see where my actions backup my beliefs and where they don't.  I have many aspirations and good intentions that are related to things I believe, but in many cases they are empty of accompanying actions, which means I don't really believe that strongly, or at all.

For instance, if I believe in healing through prayer, but don't pray for people to be healed, I don't really believe or have faith in healing prayer.

If I believe that God is my provider but am unwilling to give back to Him through tithing and almsgiving then I don't really believe He will provide for me as He has promised, and I don't have faith in His faithfulness.

If I say I believe that He leads me and guides me, but never take any time to listen or seek His guidance, I don't really have faith that He will lead me and guide me, or that He will speak to me.

If I say I want to grow in my faith yet don't seek after spiritual food, good teaching and inspiration through books, videos or podcasts, then I don't really want to grow in my faith.

If I believe God has something better for me, but don't actively pursue new opportunities then I don't believe God will move and guide me.

Sometimes it is subtle, we may believe in something, but not in another aspect that limits our first belief.  For instance in my last example, believing God has something better.  This can be a very general belief, but requires an understanding of how God can and does work.  In my experience, God will speak to me, first and foremost, about His plans.  He desires that I listen to Him, and if I don't really believe that I can hear God, or that He will speak to me individually, than I  am just stuck with this general belief that God might want to bless me with something better.  I would be sitting there with no idea of how that is going to happen, or how I will know when that opportunity comes.

This reminds me of a story I heard about a guy who had great faith and was caught in a flood.  He climbed on the roof of his house, but he had great faith that God would save him.  He saw people driving through his neighborhood in big 4x4 trucks, and one of them stopped at His house and offered him a ride to safety.  He told them, "No thanks, God is going to save me."  The water rose some more, and this time a boat stopped at his house and offered him a ride to safety.  He told them, "No thanks, God is going to save me!" Finally the water was lapping at his feet and a helicopter flew overhead and offered to save him, and his response was the same, "No thanks, God is going to save me!"  Finally the man drowned and when He went to heaven he asked God why he didn't save him?  God answered, "I sent a truck a boat and helicopter, and you turned them all down!"

Obviously this is a bit of an off-color joke, but it illustrates a point about our willingness to listen and hear, and be directed and guided by God.  I like to say that God's middle name is circumstance, and He often works in ways that seem down-right normal.  In my life there have been many times where God's opportunity and direction were as simple as a word spoken by a trusted friend, sometimes by a complete stranger, sometimes by something I read, but most of the time I hear from Him during my daily quiet time, when I have decided to take time to listen.  I have developed my ability to hear His voice and recognize His voice so that when I hear things during the day, I can sometimes hear His voice speaking (almost like a heart overtone) when someone says something to me. I believe that God directs me in my daily path, and I am willing to listen and seek out His voice and direction throughout the day, even in circumstance.

Changing gears slgithly, in the natural I would love to develop a stronger physique, but I don't lift weights and I don't eat healthy.  I will never gain physical strength, if I don't exercise (practice) and eat right. This is just as true in or faith!  If we want to grow strong in our faith, we need to follow with actions (practice) and regular feeding.

In a related point, I heard a Former pastor speaking about a time of healing and revival that broke out in their church.  He said that prior to the Holy Spirit breaking out in wonderful ways, they had felt directed to spend over two years teaching on healing and praying for healing.  He said, "we built up our theology, and then we built up our practice."  It wasn't like they had planned it all out, but more in retrospect he recognized that truth.  He saw that by their obedience to teach on healing prayer and actually praying for healing that God had been preparing them for a time of significance.  Their faith action was in pursuing the directions of the Lord to do what He told them to do.  They grew stronger in their faith because of the regular diet and practice.

In the same way, in many of our lives, we might have promises or things we have heard from God.  Often times these promises come in the form of a seed of thought, or word or dream.  We grab hold of the promise, plant it in our heart and wait for God to move.  As I was thinking about this, I  saw the image of a withered young seedling.  Our faith action is supposed to be the care and watering of the the seed, and giving it food like "Miracle-gro", but many think that they are just supposed to wait for God to produce the fruit of the promise.  We are actually supposed to co-labor with God in our lives!  We have responsibility to hear and then act.

Back to the church that felt Like God told them to teach on healing, that weekly teaching was basically them watering that seed of a promise that God would visit them with healing.  Their praying over people for healing was them applying "Miracle-gro" to that seed or practicing and exercising.  If we don't follow our faith with actions, then our beliefs or seed faith of promises can wither or die.

The good news is that seeds can sit dormant for many years, and when planted and watered can still bear fruit!  God, is always true to fulfill His promises. As a popular Christian Song by Faith Fires reminds us, "All His promises are yes and amen!"

So, this morning I am encouraged to look at the things that God has put in my heart as promises, to review those things that have stirred my heart, to look at the people around me in need that God has highlighted, and to look for those things where my actions have not aligned with my faith or belief.  I am encouraged to look for ways to water those seed promises, to take action and pursue growth and increase through practice and regular feeding. I am encouraged to grow stronger in my faith through practical actions.

Finally, I am reminded that seeds don't turn into fruit overnight.  There is a season of growth, oftentimes with no fruit visible. I must continue to care for that seed and plant regardless of whether I see fruit. I need to be patient and let God, who is the author and finisher of my faith, lead me and guide me and encourage me to continue to pursue regular watering and care for that which He planted in my heart.  I need to trust that He knows when it will bear fruit.

Amen, thank You Lord for Your encouragement!

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