
I apologize for any poor English or writing. This comes directly from my prayer journal, and at 5am I am not always the best writer, nor do I catch all my mistakes. However, I think Mrs. Hausner, my highschool English teacher, would be glad that I am at least still writing.
- Sam

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Hope, In The Midst of the Storms of Life!

This morning I was reading out of Mark's Gospel, and ran across this story - Mark 4:35-41 NIV:

[35] "That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.” [36] Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. [37] A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. [38] Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don't you care if we drown?”

[39] He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.

[40] He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

[41] They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”

So the thought that crossed my mind this morning was, "I wonder what the guys in the other boats thought and experienced?"  I love little additional extra details that get added, such as the fact that there were other boats with Him (verse 36 above).  Believing that the Holy Spirit inspired the writing and recording of the scriptures, there must be some reason that added detail was included.  That is what I am reflecting on this morning.

So imagine you were in one of the other boats, setting out onto the Sea of Galilee in the evening. I don't know if you have ever been on the water at night, but if the moon isn't out it is a very dark and featureless place.  It says the other boats were with Him, so I imagine they were trying to stay together and on a calm evening that is possible, even if its really dark, as sound carries very easily over water.  They could have been chatting back and forth, and they were likely experienced fishermen, for there were not likely many leisure boats in those days, and they knew the Sea.  Not everyone in the boats were fishermen though, as we know some of His disciples had other previous occupations.

It says they were with Him (Jesus) so these were followers, those caught up in the wonder of the revelation that Jesus was providing!  He was talking like He knew the Father, He was talking about the Kingdom of God then demonstrating the reality of the Kingdom by healing every sickness, casting out demons and even healing blind, lame and deaf people!  This was what the people had been waiting hundreds of years for, the coming of the Messiah (or at least it seemed that might be the case)!  There must have been a huge amount of excitement, and the people were fully engaging their hearts, leaving everything to follow Jesus!

Thus, it was into this excited group of followers and disciples that Jesus says, "let us go over to the other side."  It is important to note that this idea to travel at night over the sea of Galilee came from Jesus, not the others.  I am sure, after seeing what Jesus could do, seeing His intentionality and determination, they didn't think twice about stepping into the boats to go where He indicated.  Then the storm came up, and it wasn't just a bit of waves and rain, it was a furious squall, and the boats were in danger of capsizing, or being swamped!

Again, going back to the people in the other boats, when the squall came up, you can bet their focus suddenly became survival.  They likely lost sight of each other, and surely were having difficulty shouting back and forth between boats.  They must have felt alone, maybe even abandoned, afraid and in fear for their lives in that dark and stormy moment!  Even if they could see the boat with Jesus, they couldn't see Him, as he was asleep in the stern.  Talk about getting into a situation that wasn't what they signed up for!!  They were following Jesus directions, and suddenly found themselves fighting for their lives, bailing the boats as fast as they could to stay afloat! This was not a good situation!

Thankfully, we know the story and their situation didn't end there!  The ones in Jesus boat had the brilliant idea to wake Jesus.  It was into this storm of darkness, fear, raging waters, swamping waves that Jesus stood up and commanded the waves and wind, "Quiet! Be Still! and it instantly became calm and still.  It was still night, but the danger had passed.  Imagine the relief of the people in the other boats.  They probably didn't realize what had just happened, as Jesus was in the other boat and His voice was likely covered by the roaring winds and crashing waves.  However, there was no mistaking the fact that something just happened, and the dangerous situation just dispersed.  I am sure they heard pretty quickly that it was Jesus' commands that caused the wind to cease, in fact they were probably shouting back and forth between boats again, now that they could hear each other.

Jesus' comment to the disciples was then, "Why are you so afraid?  Do you still have no faith?"

At first glance it seems like a bit of a harsh rebuke, but I have learned, at least in my life, that Jesus' rebukes are never harsh, but rather full of love and compassion.  Jesus knew why they were afraid, but His question was diving deeper - for following Him wasn't about the good things He was doing, it was about relationship with Him, and through Him with His Father!  Following Jesus was also about experiencing the reality of the Kingdom of God that He was proclaiming! He was encouraging them to look to Him, not to the circumstances, even though they were having to respond to the circumstances.  He had led them into this situation, and He would surely lead them safely through.  His life was full of purpose and so were theirs, and they weren't going to lose them in a storm He led them into!  The faith was in Him!  Faith in the reality of what He had already demonstrated.  He was capable of miracles, capable of healing and raising the dead even, surely He could save them from the dark, windy and wavey circumstances!  Even though they had lost sight of Him, He hadn't abandoned them, and His command caused everything to become still!

What a glorious example of God's ability to step into a situation and cause everything to change in an instant with a single command!  Lord, You know that many of us, through following You, have found ourselves in situations that are dark, stormy and even dangerous and life-threatening!  You know where we are, You haven't abandoned us!  You know exactly whats happening, even if it appears You are asleep!  Lord, I ask You to speak the command into our lives, to cause the storms to cease!  We know that You love us, that our lives have purpose in You!  We know that You have the commands and words of Life and we ask You to speak them over us, even now!  We know that You are capable and willing!  HElp us in our fear and unbelief!!

Amen!  Speak Quickly Lord!  You are our hope in the midst of the storm!

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