
I apologize for any poor English or writing. This comes directly from my prayer journal, and at 5am I am not always the best writer, nor do I catch all my mistakes. However, I think Mrs. Hausner, my highschool English teacher, would be glad that I am at least still writing.
- Sam

Saturday, April 11, 2015

HearingThe Lord

This morning I was continuing my reading from Matthew's Gospel and ran across a couple of related verses, in the midst of Jesus' discourse on some of the future times that they were going to experience.  Both verses have to do with hearing and speaking.

Matthew 10:19-20, 27 NIV:

[19] "..., do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, [20] for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you."

[27] "What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs."

I love the fact that in these verses the Lord is promising that He will speak to and through us.  The context of these verses is one of struggle and difficulty societally, but I don't believe these verses are only true for such times.  My experience with the Lord is very similar, and I believe the Lord wants us all to have such an experience.  As I wrote a couple of days ago, the Lord desires to speak to us all, and it is not just a privileged few that He speaks to.

Part of what I believe the Lord is about, in my times of prayer with Him, is filling me with His word and His heart.  As I go throughout my life and interact with others and find myself sharing with someone, I am often reminded of things I have heard in my prayer time, things I have read, thoughts and impressions of the Lord's heart.  I think this is very much like what Jesus describes in verses 19 & 20.  The Lord calls things to my mind, drawing them out of the deposit that He has been putting in place for the last 30+ years, or that last couple of days.  I am amazed at how often the thing I read this morning and reflected upon comes up in someone else's conversation.  At times I feel like the Lord is pre-loading His word in me for others I will meet, so that I can distribute it at the right time, with His guidance.

The other verse where He speaks of speaking things in the dark, or whispering in our ear, is also very accurate to my experience.  I have learned to pay attention when I wake up in the night, or first thing in the morning, for often the Lord will take that moment when I am not distracted by anything else and speak to me.  He speaks to me through dreams, at times, impressions, scripture verses He calls to mind, or just a single  thought or two that I know is from Him.  Again, I am amazed at how often what I hear whispered to me at these times is relevant in that day, coming up in conversation, sometimes multiple times.

I think the description of Him whispering in my ear is also appropriate, for Lord is not often loud to my hearing.  I know some people have experience hearing the audible voice of the Lord, I have not had that experience, but have had very 'loud' or strong impressions from the Lord.  Most of the time, though, it is like He is whispering in my ear.  I am usually pretty in tune with my train of thought and when the Lord whispers to me, it is most often not related to the present trains of thought running through my mind.  I have been trained to pay attention to these seemingly random thoughts, for they are often from the Lord.  I will also receive impressions, almost like I am imagining something, that are completely unrelated to my existing thoughts.  I am not saying every random thought I have is from the Lord, nor that I am perfect in hearing what He is saying, but I am still humbled and amazed at how often He chooses to speak to and through me.

When I get a word or impression, the first thing I do is stop and reflect if it is related to my previous line of thinking.  I try to trace the root of the thought and if I can't identify it in my own thoughts, than I evaluate if it might be from the Lord.  The enemy can use this same technique of whispering thoughts, so many times I can immediately identify if it is not from God, and just toss the thought aside.  If it isn't from me, or the enemy than I pay attention and usually ask the Lord for more clarity and/or information.  Sometimes, like when I am in prayer, I will get a Bible verse or page number and I will then stop and read those verses, or pages in my bible and see if there is something for me in the Word.  As I pursue this thought or theme, the Lord will often times give me more understanding and clarity.  Much of the time the Lord is speaking to me about me, and I try to understand His words and apply them to my life.  Often times, it is for me and someone  else, which I usually find out through conversation with them.  Whatever the case, I am trying to hear Him and really listen, and put His words into effect in my life.

So today, I am encouraged to listen more, to continue to practice active listening throughout the day and night.  I am encouraged to speak the things I hear, for often times they are for others as well as myself.  Help me Lord to hear!

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