
I apologize for any poor English or writing. This comes directly from my prayer journal, and at 5am I am not always the best writer, nor do I catch all my mistakes. However, I think Mrs. Hausner, my highschool English teacher, would be glad that I am at least still writing.
- Sam

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Proper Perspective About the Enemy

As I was praying and reading through Mark 4, ( the papable of the sower and the seed) the Lord reminded me of a thought I had the other night, about how we could consider someone sold-out for the Lord, God's example of a suicide bomber, they are someone who is willing to die to themselves, but rather then kill others, they bring life to many others!

I was thinking about the fact that the enemy has no original thoughts, just copies what God creates and tries to distort and twist it. So basically anything that's bad out there, has a good opposite that God created first, and it is far more powerful than anything the enemy can bring together. When the enemy threatens and tries coersion, the Lord blesses and brings freedom and love. Where the enemy seems to be making headway, the Lord has plans for glory that will completely wipe away the gains of the enemy.

The captivity in Egypt is a great example, they went down as a small tribe that was starving during a severe famine, they multiplied even under extreme mistreatment, and when they came out they carried the wealth of Egypt with them, and saw the annihilation of Pharoh's army. That was certainly not what the enemy expected, he thought he had them trapped and was ready to destroy them all.

In the same way, when the enemy manages to kill a Christian, the enemy thinks he has won a great victory, but their martyred blood, is honored by God wth revival and multiplication of the church.

The enemy tries to claim the hydra-head as a symbol, cut off one and two replace it, but in God's economy, cut down one and 60-100 replace them. God doesn't mind unfair fights, as we see in the story of Gideon in Judges 7-8. Gideon is instructed to take on 120,000 with 300 men. We must learn to see with the Lords eyes, and have His perspective, as this would be impossible through purely human effort. The enemy had been harassing and stealing from the Israelites, and now gathered together to attack them, gathering three armies together to try and destroy Israel, but God wasn't the least bit worried about the fate of His people.

Our goal should be to learn to look to the Lord, rather than at the circumstances, for the Lord is seated on the Throne, and has ALL Authority and ALL Power. He will not be defeated, nor will His purposes fail. So even though the enemy prowls around like a roaring lion, trying to destroy, disrupt and strike fear in our hearts, let us take courage that God is the same today as He was in the day of Gideon. God is capable to rescue us, bring a mighty defeat on the enemy and release great blessing into our lives. Amen Lord!

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