
I apologize for any poor English or writing. This comes directly from my prayer journal, and at 5am I am not always the best writer, nor do I catch all my mistakes. However, I think Mrs. Hausner, my highschool English teacher, would be glad that I am at least still writing.
- Sam

Friday, April 10, 2020

He Loved Them To The End

This morning I am reflecting on the happenings of Good Friday, and I have a feeling it will be a different perspective than I am used to seeing.  The first verse I read this morning was one I have read many times before, but as its an introduction verse, I haven't usually let the impact of it hit home. 

John 13:1 NIV:  "It was just before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end."

This was John's introduction to the passion account, to the last days of Jesus' earthly ministry (other than the 40 days post-resurrection) and John's main impression was the love of Jesus!  It was the defining characteristic of Jesus' ministry and relationships with His followers.  He loved them well, and loved them unto the end!  His primary characteristic was love, His primary motivation was love.  It was for love that He endured the beatings, the scourging, the abuse and rejection, the nails and the cross. It was for love!

Oh, that we would recognize that this is every bit as true for us.  He loves us! He loves us well!  He loves us eternally!  He endured the cross for Love of us, for He knew us before the creation of the world, and loved us.  It was for love that He came into this world (John 3:16) that He might save us and redeem us.  It was for love of us all that endured what He did, that He might take upon Himself the punishment due our sins! 

This morning as I sat down to pray, in these very strange times, I was reflecting upon how so much has changed, and how we aren't sure its ever going to be the same again.  I was thinking about how quickly this pandemic hit, and how unprepared we were mentally, emotionally and spiritually for change of this magnitude.  I was thinking this must , in some small way, be what it felt like for Jesus followers, for His family, for those who were closest to Him!  Everything changed in a matter of days.  Jesus had just entered Jerusalem a few days earlier, to acclamations and praise!  Now he was being beaten and crucified, and things were never going to be the same! 

As I read that lone verse from John, it was clear Jesus knew this massive change was going to happen!  He was focused on the coming finality, unfortunately, His followers were generally clueless, despite His multiple warnings.  Life was just too good, and going the right way, so how could they grasp the words of Jesus when He said He was going to be betrayed and die?  When that is what happened, I can't imagine how shell-shocked they all must have been!  In a matter of days, everything changed!  Everything they thought about the future, everything they thought about their role, their relationship with Him, every one of their life goals in following Him were seemingly shattered!  It was clear nothing as ever going to be the same!

In those first hours, one imagines they could hardly function, hardly think, that they were just barely surviving.  They were afraid, they were despondent, they were shattered, they were overcome with grief, they couldn't believe their eyes and ears, they didn't know what to do.  Once Jesus was buried we are told they went home and stayed there according to the Sabbath rules (Luke 23:56). 

I believe the next day, the Sabbath rest, was a day of deep soul searching, a day of remembering what Jesus had said, a day of assessing the state of their own faith and belief.  I believe it was a day of wondering what they would do, where they would go, how would they move forward, or whether they should even think about continuing the ministry of Jesus.  I imagine there was a painful confrontation of their own weakness and betrayal of Jesus, to save their own selves.  We know Peter had sworn to Jesus that he would never leave Him, that He would follow Him unto death (Luke 22:23), and I am sure that others had thought the same way.

As we are, so many of us, confronted with massive change and concern about our future, about our own situations, I am convinced that the Lord knew this was all going to happen.  He knows our situation, He knows our plight.  We may not see it yet, may not yet understand what the future will look like, but He knows, and He has a plan.  Jesus was preparing his followers all along for the coming days, they just didn't know it!  He had instilled in His followers all they needed for the effective release of ministry, except for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, which was soon to occur!  He knew they were going to be ok!  He loved them well, He prepared them well, right up to the end!  In the same way, we will find our path forward in Him!  We will see the other side of this time!  We will be changed, but we will prevail!  We will realize that we have been prepared for such a time as this, and we will realize that the fate of the church, the future of the church now rests upon us! 

We still will have some dark days ahead of us, and we are still stuck in this time of rest and separation, but the day will come when the sun will shine, when the doors will be opened and we will come forth from our our shelters to a changed world.  We will have much to do, many to see, many to help, many to embrace.

Let us look to the One who loves us well, who gave everything to set us free and save us!  Let us look to the One who now sits at the right-hand of the Father, and who also lives within us!  Let us entrust ourselves to His plan, to His purposes, believing that He has been preparing us for this all along, we just didn't know it!   Let us give grace to our brothers and sisters who are still struggling, still grieving, still in fear!  Let us take up the ministry of Jesus and love them well, and love them through to the end!  Let us learn from our first brothers and sisters who witnessed Jesus' death, burial and resurrection, and let us help each other through this dark day! 

Finally, let us celebrate the love of God that is beyond comprehension!  Let us celebrate the salvation that was purchased with the most Holy Blood of Jesus!  Let us encourage one another into the love of God!!

Amen and Amen!

May the Lord bless you in this time of rest and separation!  May He keep you safe and speak to your heart His purposes, plans, and hope.


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