
I apologize for any poor English or writing. This comes directly from my prayer journal, and at 5am I am not always the best writer, nor do I catch all my mistakes. However, I think Mrs. Hausner, my highschool English teacher, would be glad that I am at least still writing.
- Sam

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Our Family Inheritance

I was just reading through Neh 7, where they are listing the people who came back to Jerusalem. It is amazing how they kept their identities and roles in the temple straight by family. There is something very significant in family membership, in the Lord. I don't know that we fully grasp this, but it is clear that especially with the temple ministry, their was a hanging down of ministry within family groups. The Levites, the Priests, the singers, etc., all were family groups. It is clear there are anointings that are given to families.

We don't really see this family delineation in the New Testament, but rather a joining into the Body of Christ, and a sense of wiping away all that differentiates, no Greek, no Jew, no slave, all one family, all one Body. However, the family groupings of the OT, were a foreshadowing of that which was to come. Lord, help me to understand.

As I was thinking more about this - I believe there is much to be said about understanding our identity and family relationship. In the Body of Christ we all are related directly to the Father, through Jesus. ( Romans 8:15, Eph 1:5). We are adopted sons and daughters given authority and identify based on our new Father. I was reminded of the sorry of Moses and Joseph, both who were welcomed into different Pharaoh's households, one through adoption, one as a servant. In both cases cases they had the authority and identity of their family or household to back them.

I think we really need to understand even more than we know our identity as sons and daughters of the King. Especially since in the old testament model, anointing and calling were passed down within the family. If our Father is The Father then what gets passed down to us? For a hint, look to Jesus as the first fruits, and us as those that follow. His walk is an example to us, as to what we can experience, and expect in our lives.

Lord, help us to understand exactly who we are really - Your sons and daughters!

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